UnderWorldAquatics |
01-29-2004 09:06 PM |
Im changing my comment because, it could offend someone.... Im sorry if I offended anyone....
My personal view about God.... opps, I mean Mr.Bush, is Im very unimpressed!!! I dont like what he does, what he stands for, I think "some" people are money hungry, power hungry, war mongers.... I was very suprised that 9/11 didnt happen much sooner, there is no nation on this planet that has upset more people than the good ol US of A has... I dont like what most world leaders have done, and are doing... I dont condone the actions of any of them, in my personal opinion we are neighbours with the largest, most powerful terrorist group on the planet... I dont hold anything against anyone that dispises our neighbours.... I think man made goverment is a pathetic joke....
I know some may disagree with this and that is your personal choice.
My feelings are my choice. I dont wish harm upon anyone, I wish everyone could just get along.... to bad this is the "real world"