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Earthgirl 08-12-2011 02:23 AM

At the End of My Rope
I"m at the end of my rope folks!!!
The darn Aipstasia battle!
I've lemon juiced it
I've started Torching it last night
And the F*@#ing bastards keep coming back
The salt is fine
Everything is fine, I just can't kill them!!
I have a 55 gallon with the 2 peppermint shrimp and of course some hermits
Should I get more?
I have never been so frustrated in my life with a tank before and I did have before a 230 gallon with stingrays that I had trained to eat worms out of my hand!
Please help!
what do I do next?

mr_alberta 08-12-2011 02:30 AM

Any corals like zoanthids? If not then a Matted Filefish may be your best friend. Bergia Nudibranchs are great too if you can find some.

Earthgirl 08-12-2011 02:44 AM

Candy cane, sun coral, frogspawn, torch coral, and starting a montipora (reddish) piece, pulsing xenia
Can't seem to keep the darn zoos alive, though I really love them
Oh and I have a feather worm
I don't want to buy anything in case of the darn apistasia killing or harming it!
And who may have a matted filefish?
Ill buy one tomorrow!
I called about the nudibranchs, $24 a piece and they don't live long :confused:

abcha0s 08-12-2011 02:56 AM

Berghia Nudibranches work for some. They didn't work for me though.

As suggested, a matted filefish might also work.

Instead of 2 peppermint shrimp, you could try adding 10 more for a dozen or so total.

Whatever approach you take, it's a numbers game. You need more predators than prey, so to speak.

I solved my problem by throwing out all of my live rock (150 pounds) and starting with new base rock. So far, the strategy seems to have worked. Honestly, the financial loss was worth the end result of being aptasia free.

- Brad

toxic111 08-12-2011 03:01 AM

I have 2 peppermints in my 30 & haven't see one in ages. I had them going crazy in my 12gal JBJ, put a peppermint in, and then had a Bergia Nudibranch show up (friend borrowed one of my rocks to feed some he ordered). That one cleaned my tank clean in 3 days!

Aquattro 08-12-2011 03:12 AM

The first time I bought a filefish, as soon as I dropped it out of the bag it started eating the aptaisia. I had about 200-300 of them, and they were gone in about a month. These are now standard fish for all my tanks.

reefermadness 08-12-2011 03:20 AM

Berghia worked great for me.......

good to hear about the success with filefish though.

Aquattro 08-12-2011 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by reefermadness (Post 629324)

good to hear about the success with filefish though.

also, once they did their job, they just eat regular fish food (flakes, pellets, mysis) and have not toughed anything else. I have some zoos, purple clove polyps (which I wish they would eat) and frogspawn...all safe.

Earthgirl 08-12-2011 03:28 AM

Thanks for the info Brad!
I sent an email to salty underground to see what shipping is
I known for a while that I should maybe get more shrimp, this just maybe "encourages" me to do so!
Just so darn frustrated.
I don't think I'll be getting rid of the rock, too pricey...
THOUGHT of it though!
Love the ideas, thanks guys!

Wingin It 08-12-2011 04:15 AM

My Copper Banded Butterfly was awesome at eating Aptasia...I miss that fish :(

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