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molotov 08-08-2011 04:16 PM

LF - Powerheads/Heaters

I'm new to this forum and saltwater aquariums. I've recently purchased a 100G tank and a 30G sump. The setup also included a pump, stand, current USA lights. I found a brand new in the box Red Sea C-Skim. I'm still trying to piece everything together and am still looking for powerheads and a couple of heaters. I believe I will also need a RO/DI unit.

If anyone can help with my shopping list I would greatly appreciate it. Also any other suggestions anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Skimmerking 08-08-2011 05:35 PM

Welcome to Canreef and since you are talking about Reef's go see Kevin at
RED coral Brad.

they can help you out there are a few stores to stay away from, i'm not going to state them here. ask the fellow reefer's in Cowtown they can help ya out.

oh ya we need pictures of your setup PICTURES PICTURES>... 08-08-2011 05:45 PM

Welcome to the board
There are few stores in town to shop from and get the best product for your buck and of course the new setup.
here are some of the stores I know of nothing in any particular order
Ocean City
Concept Aquatic's
Red Coral
Big Al's

Of course we need to see some photos:biggrin:

molotov 08-08-2011 08:00 PM

Thanks for welcoming me. I will get some photos up as soon as I get the tank out of my car. unfortunately my wife isn't strong enough to help me get it out.:biggrin:

From all the threads I've read pictures seem to get the most responses; so of course I will get some up ASAP. Hopefully tonight.

molotov 08-10-2011 03:20 AM

Hey Everyone. So I understand pictures are important. No prob. So what you'll see is everything I have so far with the exception of the bio balls. I know I still need heaters, test kits, LR, sand etc. If anyone can make some more suggestions to equipment I need to get a FOWLR tank going I will greatly appreciate it.

I do want to eventually get into corals and understand that will likely be a slow transition and I am prepared for that.


molotov 08-10-2011 03:28 AM

Well I guess because I can't figure out how to embed pictures into my message I can't send the rest. I have pics of my lights and protein skimmer.

scherzo 08-10-2011 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by molotov (Post 628892)
Hey Everyone. So I understand pictures are important. No prob. So what you'll see is everything I have so far with the exception of the bio balls.

You won't need the bio balls if you have live rock. So basically you just need:

Live rock,
Power heads,
Sand (which you don't necessarily need unless you're getting fish that need it)
And probably about 100 visits to the local Rona to get all of the plumbing bits you'll need. (at least this was my experience.

molotov 08-10-2011 01:15 PM

Thanks Scherzo. I have another question. How do I post my pics in the thread without having to attach them?

molotov 09-10-2011 03:20 AM

OK guys, I have another one for you. I'm looking for a Reverse Osmosis system. I live in Calgary, want to start right so I'm looking for a water filtration system. My question is this. I see there are lots of Reverse Osmosis systems out there but would you purchase just an RO system or would you look specifically for a de-ionization system as well?

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