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Maverick00 07-18-2011 01:06 AM

can someone reccomend an rodi unit?
Im throwing in the towel when it comes to buying water 5 gallons at a time. Can someone recommend a few that come to mind? I have been reading reviews and doing my research but still cant just put a finger on the one i should buy. There just seems to be too many to choose from. (buckeye, vertex, aquatic life, aquafx...) Ill be upgrading to a 60 gallon setup soon.

BlueTang<3 07-18-2011 01:10 AM

I got a vertex and am really impressed with it, its got built in tds meter and auto backflush with a booster pump. That alone puts it above most, only down side is at new had a few leaky fittings and had to disassemble and reseal the unit. Been using it for over 2.5 years now and no issues

dreef 07-18-2011 02:41 AM

Vertex gets my vote..luv mine.

RedCoralOnlineStore 07-18-2011 03:14 AM

I have sold a number of the Vertex and all of my customers have been very happy with them! They are nice units and great quality!

syncro 07-18-2011 04:43 AM

There are some posts on nano-reef recommending Spectrapure and Buckeye Field Supply. Search for the user azdesertrat... he has some good posts looking at the cost/gallon and some other features to consider. I bought a Buckeye unit and am happy with it.

bignose 07-18-2011 04:49 AM

vertex all the way

mike31154 07-18-2011 03:18 PM

From what I've read here on the forum, you folks on the west coast & the island have very low TDS right out of the tap. Since you're still in the planning stages, probably the best thing to do is spend a little money on a TDS meter and perhaps a pressure guage. Check your tap water TDS & water pressure, then you'll have a better idea of what you need as far as stages etc. If your source TDS is 10 or lower, it may even be more cost effective for you to simply get a large DI stage. This has the advantage that you won't have any waste water as is the case with any RO system. Or you might go with RO and no DI stage. My source TDS is 210 & according to the TDS meter, my 75 gpd membrane gets that down to 1 and even 0 TDS after about 5 minutes of running. More than two years after installing the system I'm still on the original DI media.

After that, most systems regardless of who makes them are made up of more or less generic components. The costly item is the RO membrane and you want to make sure that's a good quality one. 75 gpd units have a better rejection rate than 100 or 150 gpd units. Some of the cheaper systems will have no frills, that is, no TDS meter, pressure guage, auto shut off valve and may have lower quality JG fittings, lousy pre filters & carbon block as well as white pre filter housings vice the clear ones. Expect to pay at least $200 for a decent 4 or 5 stage system. You may be able to get away with a 3 stage (sediment pre filter, carbon, RO) if your source TDS is as low as most folks from the west coast report.

chopperman 07-19-2011 12:47 AM

I just bought a 75gpd 5 stage Plus ro/di unit from bulk reef supply. Seems to be a good unit after a week of use. For the price I didnt think you could go wrong. It comes with auto shut off, dual tds meter, pressure guage and a flush kit. It also comes with the filters. All in including shipping it was 250 bucks

sully08 07-19-2011 04:21 AM

Bought a Vertex 100g from J&L works great

mseepman 07-19-2011 04:40 AM

I have the five stage from BRS and its been great. Price was great too.

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