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clk666 07-11-2011 04:19 AM

30 gallon newbie! eek! lol
4 Attachment(s)
Attachment 7933

Attachment 7934

Attachment 7935

Attachment 7936
so far ive got ... one oscellaris clown... one starry blenny ( which i cant get a pic of!) and one multi colored urchin!.. OH plus alot of algae which im hoping to get some hermits to dispose of! hehe!

lpsreefer 07-11-2011 04:43 AM

nice start!

chris88 07-11-2011 04:58 AM

Hermits wont touch you algae, and snails wont do much either. you need to find the root cause of it which is probably excess nutrients from over feeding and not enough skimming and water changes.

clk666 07-11-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by chris88 (Post 622801)
Hermits wont touch you algae, and snails wont do much either. you need to find the root cause of it which is probably excess nutrients from over feeding and not enough skimming and water changes.

hmm well i dont think its too much feeding because i just got my fish not long ago and before i had them there was still algae. i dont have a protein skimmer but i do use RO water... and i do a water change every seccond week or so... you think even using the RO water would cause it?

MKLKT 07-11-2011 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by chris88 (Post 622801)
Hermits wont touch you algae, and snails wont do much either. you need to find the root cause of it which is probably excess nutrients from over feeding and not enough skimming and water changes.

Agreed, treating the cause will serve you much better in the long run. Generally hermits and snails eat and clean up detritus and other stuff that you can't easily see. Investigate sources of phosphates and silicates in your water and try to reduce them, even just fixing that will starve out the algae. You can also try macro-algae which will feed on a lot of things that you want to remove from the water anyway.

PS Starry Blennies are my favourite, you can check mine out in my tank journal :)

clk666 07-11-2011 04:53 PM

hmm macro-algae sounds like a good plan ill try to get some! and ill definately check into geting rid of phsphates and silicates!


ScubaSteve 07-11-2011 05:38 PM

If you have new powerheads or other equipment, those can be a source of silicates and the like, so trying to track down a culprit can be a fruitless adventure (though it is necessary). If it's a new set up you'll just have to ride through it. On a 30g I recommend weekly water changes... The water volume is just too small to go a long time. I run only nanos and I've found that more the more frequent, the better. And since it's a small tank, water changes aren't huge... So you have no excuse to complain :P This will help with the algae.

I've run nanos both with and without skimmers and, though I still have mixed feelings for them, they're a good investment. The more nutrients you take away from the algae, the more it will disappear. Make sure you do water changes when the algae start to die off to get the nutrients they release out of the water.

Looking forward to see where your tank goes! Shoot me a PM if you ever want some nano help or ideas.

don.ald 07-11-2011 05:58 PM

nice little system. that urchin should do a good job at cleaning up algae. i think soon you will have to supplement to feed it:mrgreen:.

chris88 07-11-2011 06:10 PM

A protein skimmer will save you some much stress and hours cleaning your tank. i dont think you have a sump so running/growing macro algae will eventually overtank your main display but it would work if it was in a sump. Find a second hand HOB skimmer for like 100.00 and you will not regret it.

clk666 07-12-2011 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 622863)
If you have new powerheads or other equipment, those can be a source of silicates and the like, so trying to track down a culprit can be a fruitless adventure (though it is necessary). If it's a new set up you'll just have to ride through it. On a 30g I recommend weekly water changes... The water volume is just too small to go a long time. I run only nanos and I've found that more the more frequent, the better. And since it's a small tank, water changes aren't huge... So you have no excuse to complain :P This will help with the algae.

I've run nanos both with and without skimmers and, though I still have mixed feelings for them, they're a good investment. The more nutrients you take away from the algae, the more it will disappear. Make sure you do water changes when the algae start to die off to get the nutrients they release out of the water.

Looking forward to see where your tank goes! Shoot me a PM if you ever want some nano help or ideas.

LOL no i definatley wont complain if it will help my tank look better!! just scrubbed all the glass and some rock and then changed the water so im hoping this will help!

and i do have a HOB filter that i just took out a couple days ago and put my new bigger filter in there which you can see because it gives alot more flow lol my clown is loving it alot more! maybe another urchin and some snails to help get things going better! im hoping to eventually get some pretty soft corals in there!! eek im so sick of waiting its been so long i just want them now!!! but i know my tanks probably not ready for that if i cant even control my common algae haha!

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