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Patty-Brent 06-01-2011 05:46 PM

My clownfish broke up.....
OK... I have a mated Pair of Cinnamon Clownfish and i know they are mated because they belonged to a friend of mine before. For the past 2 weeks the female has severly picked on the male and has forced him into a hole in the back corner of the aquarium. She does not let him come out...I sometimes see him out and about in the middle of the night. They are in a 29 gallon bio cube with no other fish. They have been in there for about 4- 5 months now. The male is starting not to look very healthy.....All water Parameters are good.
Any ideas?????

Patty-Brent 06-01-2011 05:48 PM

Oh and I have not seen any eggs...

kevNnic 06-01-2011 06:48 PM

you could possibly try changing the landscape up in the tank and see if that helps. Odds are if the female has made up her mind and is picking on him its not going to end well for the fish. Did this just start out of no where? any signs that could lead to this happening? feeding enough? any anemone to host? etc

Leah 06-01-2011 06:53 PM

Or find a good lawyer. :wink:

Patty-Brent 06-01-2011 07:02 PM

LOL ya i tried changing the rock work and it did not help....It just started out of no where :sad: I am going to try feeding more and see if that helps.

kevNnic 06-01-2011 07:03 PM

bitches be crazy... what can i say!

ScubaSteve 06-01-2011 08:18 PM

There is a book called "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson. I don't have my copy at home right now as a friend is borrowing it but I recall in there somewhere she discusses this a bit in terms of causes and solutions. I believe it is this book, though I may be wrong...

In my view, a female will reject a male clownfish if he is not doing his "job" and living up to her ridiculous expectations (not too different from people :razz:). Part of the issue is that he is weak now because she is bullying him, so to her he looks weak and thus there is more reason to keep picking on him.

Personally I would give them some time apart, a trial separation if you will. Move the male out to a quarantine, feed him and get him back to help, let her chill the frig out about whatever set her off and reintroduce him like you would a new mate. She'll beat up on him again for a few days to establish dominance but they may pair again.

Timbits 06-01-2011 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 616641)
Personally I would give them some time apart, a trial separation if you will. Move the male out to a quarantine, feed him and get him back to help, let her chill the frig out about whatever set her off and reintroduce him like you would a new mate. She'll beat up on him again for a few days to establish dominance but they may pair again.

+1 on this. what i would do is put the male in a breeder net or another tank if you have one for a few days to a week to let the female calm down and then reintroduce him to her. i found that this usually works with my clowns.

Lance 06-01-2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 616641)
Personally I would give them some time apart, a trial separation if you will. Move the male out to a quarantine, feed him and get him back to help, let her chill the frig out about whatever set her off and reintroduce him like you would a new mate. She'll beat up on him again for a few days to establish dominance but they may pair again.

Maybe removing the female for a time out would work better.

Funky_Fish14 06-01-2011 11:02 PM

Lol Lance and kevNnic :lol:

I think what the folks said makes sense. Your male 'stands the best chance' if he is healthy. Also, it may do some good to change some of the rocks around again before the re-introduction.

Good luck!


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