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bryceschutte 05-14-2011 03:26 PM

Feeding corals?
So I have had my tank set up for around 10 months now and I am thinking that this is a real newbie question. Do you feed corals? What and when? I have zoas, frog spawns, and anemones.

sgreen 05-14-2011 04:08 PM

Yes feed your corals. A-Can plus is sold at Red Coral and is a good product. Feeding twice a week depending on your set up.

viperfish 05-14-2011 04:31 PM

You do not need to feed Zoas, you can feed frogspawn but you certainly don't need to. I have never fed my frogspawn, bubble, or hammer and they have excellent growth and colour. I do feed my anemones raw shrimp (they each get a 1/4"-1/2" piece every other day). If you have a healthy stocking of fish, direct feeding isn't necessary, the fish waste will feed the coral. At this point in the hobby, I have more coral than I have ever had, and healthier than ever, without feeding any of them (I have an SPS tank, LPS/anemone tank, and a softie tank). The trick is water parameters, keep your calk/alk/mag in check and do frequent water changes, the rest will take care of itself. Boy I wish I had all of the money back that I have spent on additives, coral food, and supplements for the tank!

bryceschutte 05-14-2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by medhatreefguy (Post 613214)
You do not need to feed Zoas, you can feed frogspawn but you certainly don't need to. I have never fed my frogspawn, bubble, or hammer and they have excellent growth and colour. I do feed my anemones raw shrimp (they each get a 1/4"-1/2" piece every other day). If you have a healthy stocking of fish, direct feeding isn't necessary, the fish waste will feed the coral. At this point in the hobby, I have more coral than I have ever had, and healthier than ever, without feeding any of them (I have an SPS tank, LPS/anemone tank, and a softie tank). The trick is water parameters, keep your calk/alk/mag in check and do frequent water changes, the rest will take care of itself. Boy I wish I had all of the money back that I have spent on additives, coral food, and supplements for the tank!

Thank you!

I felt like I was doing it all wrong this whole time.

MMAX 05-14-2011 05:47 PM

Whenever I feed Acan Plus to my torch, I always give a few shots to my favia, hammer and zoas. They always seem to appreciate it.

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