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DAVE 04-16-2011 01:03 PM

~450 gallon reef setup
Well, this system has been almost a year in the making. Here is what I have and the progress so far.

I have a 220 gallon (72x30x24) and a 150 (48x24x30) that will be plumbed into a sump located in a small "fish room". The 220g will go along my back wall and the 150g will go behind my bar.

Equipment list:
220g (72x30x24) - Starphire front and sides, bean style overflow along back, eurobraced, back of tank painted black.
150g (48x24x30) - Starphire front, back, side, Herbie (or Durso) overflow, eurobraced.
Sump (60x30x18) - Divided into Skimmer, Refugium, Return

- x2 Pacific Sun Black Python 160w LED (for 150)
- ATI 10x80w Powermodule (for 220)
- Profilux 3 Ex (pH, ORP, Salinity, Temperature) - Auto top off
- Profilux 5 breeze fan
- Profilux 3SA doser
- x3 PAB powerbars
- Profilux LED touch screen (ordered should be in by end of May)
- Vertex Alpha Kone 300
- Water Blaster HY5000 (return for 150)
- Blueline HD40x (return for 220)
- x2 300w Heaters
- x3 MP40's
- x2 VT battery back ups
- Profilux Vortech Module

Stay tunned for some photos!!!!

fishytime 04-16-2011 01:23 PM

Welcome to the posting side of canreef:biggrin:.......and wow sounds like its gonna be a sweet set-up.......what are your plans for stocking, reef and fowlr or what?

staceyd72 04-16-2011 01:56 PM


Welcome, seems like you're going to be busy. Looking forward to seeing some pics. With that light I sense some nice SPS:wink:

Where in your home is all this going and what do you consider a 'small fish room' :smile:

lastlight 04-16-2011 03:46 PM

Sounds pretty dang slick! Let's see them photos!

DAVE 04-16-2011 03:54 PM

I am not sure how to post photos on this site, so I am sorry that my photos have the AP signature on it. Maybe someone can direct me on how to upload via the CanReef site.

Bar/150g Aquarium Location

220g Stand

DAVE 04-16-2011 03:57 PM

Pics of my holding tank (these fish are for my 180 FOWLR, also going in the same room)

Hospital/holding tank

Female Scribbled

Clown Trigger

DAVE 04-16-2011 03:58 PM

A photo of the FOWLR 180 setup (before the basement tear down).

Doug 04-16-2011 05:06 PM

Welcome to Canreef. :D

Most use a pic host like Photobucket or others. Then just use the image code tag to post it here.
Same can be done with our gallery but not sure its working correct yet from the upgrades.
There are some posts on how to use the tags, etc. I just need to find them.

DAVE 04-16-2011 05:09 PM

Thanks for the reply.

I would normally use photo bucket, but for some reason work has blocked the site.

ensquire 04-16-2011 05:24 PM

Drop box works well for me

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