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skabooya 04-12-2011 06:40 PM

Help me find this odd thing
A couple of years ago I was watching some program on national geographic or something and they were talking about species that were similar genteically. They mentioned an elephant and this mouse/kangaroo type creature which were genetically similar. Im trying to find information on it now or any genetically similar species like this. Its an odd combination but its hard to find information on this.
All that keeps comming up is cloning and the genetic similarities between humans and other non human primates Or new species being found or wolfs and dogs etc. Im not looking for things like that.

Can you help??

lorenz0 04-12-2011 06:48 PM

Are you talking about Biological Classification

basically some animals share similar traits but have split into different families and species down the line of evolution

xnmuller 04-12-2011 07:14 PM

I think you might be talking about a Rock Hyrax (not sure on spelling). But then again I may be wrong.

skabooya 04-12-2011 07:33 PM

Lorenzo: I think it may be bioliogical classification. It was so long ago i dont really remember much other than they said they were genetically similar.

xnmuller: YEA thats the one :)
Thanks :)

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