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Ryanst 04-10-2011 06:34 PM

Ryans new build (Planning stage)
So I am buying a house in Fort Saskatchewan I will be moving in on May 6th, So I have decided to do a real build not just buy a tank and stand that is already plumbed and start it up. So I think I am going to use my current tank 96X24X24 as a FOWLR Predator style, I am going to have my crosshatch trigger pair, an eel or two, Lion Fish, a big angel and other fish I couldn't put in my reef.

I also want to set up a smaller tank possibly a 36x36x24 cube or a 48x36x24 as an sps tank. I am trying to decide if I should get the tank custom made or if I should just get the glass cut and put it together by myself. I just don't know if it is worth all the extra work and stress putting it together myself.

I am not going to rush into this build like the other ones Ive done I wouldn't be surprised if I dont have fish in these tanks for another year.
Once I figure out what I am going to do for the basement floor plan I will post some possible designs.

Ryanst 04-17-2011 01:11 AM

OK here is the floor plan of my house I want the tanks to be in my basement because it is unfinished I just dont know where to put them.
Here is the one that the developer suggests
and here is a blank one for all of you that would like to draw up a floor plan option for me.
I would like to have a family room area, fish room, and a bedroom down there.

someguy 04-17-2011 03:05 AM

For your smaller tank would you just consider a Marineland Deep Dimension tank? Their 200G is 48x36x27 and is available in starfire. It would be much easier than building and cheaper than custom:

Ryanst 04-17-2011 03:53 AM

OK here is the floor plan I made
I dont know what size to make the sps tank I know I want it 48 long and 24 high I just dont know how deep I should make it since it will only viewable from one side.

Ryanst 04-17-2011 04:39 AM

Here is another possible plan.
Any input would greatly be appreciated. thanks

mark 04-17-2011 05:01 AM

Get the builder, or if you're handy to run some water lines, electrical and ideally cut over a drain over to the fish room. Also for the room should look into installing a HRV or at least a vent for an exhaust fan.

Second drawing for the 2 sided viewing on the cube better but when laying out also think about function of the family room (how would you position a couch so you could see the tank and a TV, lighting, glare, etc).

BlueTang<3 04-17-2011 01:46 PM

Why not make a 1 peice L shaped tank and then section it off when ready for sps

Ryanst 04-17-2011 03:04 PM

Here is a drawing of how I would like to set up the family room.
I will be installing a tub sink in the fish room so I will be cutting a drain through the concrete into the fish room. I will be looking into hrv systems.

DAVE 04-17-2011 03:20 PM

Are you planing to connect your FOWLR and your SPS tank to the same sump???

This is a very bad idea. Your FOWLR tank is huge and you will never be able to get your nitrates down to a level that your SPS will grow.

I would also not mix lions and triggers, some get away with it (for a period of time), but for the most part you are looking at a disaster.

.....look into installing a HRV or at least a vent for an exhaust fan (that is great advice, you will have a lot of water in the house)

It looks like you are trying to do things right, so I would research a few of the ideas here.

.......going to be a fantastic build, have fun!

Ryanst 04-17-2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 (Post 607406)
Why not make a 1 peice L shaped tank and then section it off when ready for sps

\I already have the 96x24x24 tank and L shaped tanks probably cost alot to build and would probably have to be built on site as it would be so heavy to move.


Originally Posted by Hydrologist (Post 607420)
Are you planing to connect your FOWLR and your SPS tank to the same sump???

This is a very bad idea. Your FOWLR tank is huge and you will never be able to get your nitrates down to a level that your SPS will grow.

I would also not mix lions and triggers, some get away with it (for a period of time), but for the most part you are looking at a disaster.

.....look into installing a HRV or at least a vent for an exhaust fan (that is great advice, you will have a lot of water in the house)

It looks like you are trying to do things right, so I would research a few of the ideas here.

.......going to be a fantastic build, have fun!

Thanks for the extra info I never thought to even check if I could put lion fish with triggers. I dont think I will have to much of a problem with nitrates and I want to set up an auto water change so I would have to do it twice if I had the tanks separated I also hate testing water so if I only have one system of water I would do it more often.

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