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doch 03-25-2011 07:02 AM

SPS... Too much green!
Hey kids! I've got a little but of a problem. Everything I but turns green! There's got to be a reason. I'll pick up a yellow colony.... Turns green. Blue frag... Green. purple frag... Green with purple tips. Why? There's got to be something too high, or too low. I dose several of the zeo products.... amino acids, coral vit., sponge power, Eisen ( stopped thay one since it supposedly enhances green), pohls, kaliumidid, stylo pocci, the one for red (can't remember the name, and coral snow. All tested levels are good (ca 400, mg 1300, kh 8, phos o.o5, no3, no2 and nh3 all undetectable ). Any help would be appreciated.

On the briught side, my growth rates are crazy compared to what they once were... And everything used to be brown.... Green is WAY better than brown!

Rogue951 03-25-2011 07:15 AM

wow that's a crazy dose of additives haha.
maybe just rotate them and see what affects what?

how big is your tank, what kind/temp is the lighting?

ScubaSteve 03-25-2011 07:16 AM

Is it like an irridescent green or is it a through and through solid green? In theory, iron levels control green pigmentation in SPS, but it should look more like an irridescent green. So get a test kit for iron and see what it's at, it may give some insight. Post the result, this would some cool little research to see what is causing what.

Another possibility, though very unlikely, is uptake by your corals of a green-pigmented zooxanthellae clade that may be residing in your water column. Do you have a really green (naturally, not induced green) colony that could be spiting a green clade out into the water column? It's an out there idea but this is an out there kinda thing...

ScubaSteve 03-25-2011 07:18 AM

My guess is that it was overdose of the Eisen.

es355lucille 03-25-2011 12:16 PM

+1 on the iron. I am not sure what Eisen is ...but if it inhances green it might have a lot of iron in it.

The guide to SPS coral coloration reads like this:

1. Yellows - Nitrate and Phospate needs to be low
2. Greens - Iron - overdose tends to cause darkening of tissues
3. Blues and some Purples - Potassium Iodide
4. Reds/Pinks and some Purples - Potassium (not potassium iodide)
5. Purples - Potassium Iodide/Potassium

This is just a guide that you can find on the internet. "Guide of SPS Coral Coloration".

mike31154 03-25-2011 02:46 PM

Eisen is the German word for iron. Maybe save yourself some money and stop dosing any of that stuff for a week or two. See what happens. If it all turns brown again, slowly start dosing one of those ingredients at a time, if that's safe/feasible. I don't have a lot of SPS so I'm probably out to lunch, but a logical procedure you can document, like starting from scratch with the dosing, would seem like a good way to determine what's going on. None of our systems are identical, so in the end you'll likely end up having to figure this out on your own anyhow.

Bblinks 03-25-2011 02:54 PM

+1 on the iron, I did have the same problem with eisen zeovit additive, after i stopped dosing iron for a few weeks everything started to change back, but it takes a bit for it to reverse back to the original state. Also I think either k or b balance enhances green but don't quote me on it, please read the label or go to the zeovit forum and post it for one of the zeoheads to figure out. If I were you I would just stop iron and wait a week or so and see if there is any changes, but be patient as it might take a bit for the colors to return. Good luck. Remember at least they are growing like crazy.:mrgreen:

doch 03-25-2011 03:40 PM

Thanks for the replies guys.

I was thinking the same about the eisen (iron) which is why I stopped doing it. It's been about 3 weeks, maybe more, and I see no effect. I will however pick up a test kit and let you know what it says.

Thanks again.

lorenz0 03-25-2011 04:16 PM

what is your dosing regiment?

sure sounds like overdosing. with kz products do not dose every day (pending the type). make a quick stop into the zeovit forum for better dosing advice

globaldesigns 03-25-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by doch (Post 601513)
Hey kids! I've got a little but of a problem. Everything I but turns green! There's got to be a reason. I'll pick up a yellow colony.... Turns green. Blue frag... Green. purple frag... Green with purple tips. Why? There's got to be something too high, or too low. I dose several of the zeo products.... amino acids, coral vit., sponge power, Eisen ( stopped thay one since it supposedly enhances green), pohls, kaliumidid, stylo pocci, the one for red (can't remember the name, and coral snow. All tested levels are good (ca 400, mg 1300, kh 8, phos o.o5, no3, no2 and nh3 all undetectable ). Any help would be appreciated.

On the briught side, my growth rates are crazy compared to what they once were... And everything used to be brown.... Green is WAY better than brown!

HEHE, Green is better than BROWN!!!! I will trade you anyday, I have alot of rare and unique brown specimens. Beautiful Browns, great brown shades, browns you won't see in any tank or in the wild. :biggrin:

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