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Gooly001 03-18-2011 01:07 AM

Fish Arriving Tonight.
Hi All,

Just wanted to let everyone know that O.C. does supply fish albeit not as frequently as our coral shipments.

Here is the short list of what's arriving. These fish are from Quality Marine and are well quarintined prior to shipping.



Flame Loriculus Centropyge loriculus

Royal Gramma Gramma loreto

Black Cap Gramma melacara

Swissguard Liopropoma rubre

Copperband Chelmon rostratus

Red-spot Cardinals Apogon parvulus

Maroon Yellow Stripe Premnas epigramma

Ocellaris True Black Amphiprion ocellaris

Talbot Damsels Chrysiptera talboti

Mandarin Green Synchiropus splendidus

Watchman Yellow Cryptocentrus cinctus

Firefish Purple Nemateleotris decora

Firefish Nemateleotris magnifica

Jawfish Yellowhead Opistognathus aurifons

Sleeper Golden Head Valenciennea strigata

Powder Blue Acanthurus leucosternon

Hybrid Powder Blue X White Cheek Acanthurus leucosternon x

Kole, Yellow Eye Ctenochaetus strigosus

Naso Blonde Naso elegans

Orange Shoulder Sub-Adult/Changing Acanthurus olivaceus

Mysteri Wrasse Pseudocheilinus ocellatus

Octopus Octopus sp.

Starry Blenny Salarias ramosus

Yellow Zebrasoma flavescens

Haloreef 03-18-2011 05:45 AM

Hey Paul, is the hybrid tang spoken for? You know me I am a sucker for Tangs. Maybe a Hybrid to Finnish of the collection and not a second Achilles is what's called for!

Rus 03-18-2011 01:36 PM

Hey Paul .

Are you holding the red spot's for me ? Maybe we will have better luck this time.

Gooly001 03-18-2011 05:33 PM

Hey Keith,

At the moment the Hybrid is on hold until further notice as I just found the time to reply to all PM's regarding fish and corals. Busy little bee I've been.

I have a gem and 2 achilles coming in for you Keith. Isn't that what you ordered? j/k

I'll let you know about the hybrids availability once I get a response back k?

See you this weekend?




Originally Posted by Haloreef (Post 599494)
Hey Paul, is the hybrid tang spoken for? You know me I am a sucker for Tangs. Maybe a Hybrid to Finnish of the collection and not a second Achilles is what's called for!

Gooly001 03-18-2011 05:43 PM

Hi Russ,

Yeah I have some of the red spots on hold for you.




Originally Posted by Rus (Post 599528)
Hey Paul .

Are you holding the red spot's for me ? Maybe we will have better luck this time.

Gooly001 03-18-2011 05:45 PM

All Pm's replied. Sorry for the delay; I've been uber busy with shipments in and out and installs. Will try to do better with replies.



Haloreef 03-18-2011 07:13 PM

Ok I guess I will have to live with out the hybrid. It's probably
ugly any way!

Haloreef 03-19-2011 06:25 AM

Hey Paul, I have relatives visiting from Hundred Mile so I will get out to the store Saturday sometime. I hope to at least see the hybrid!

Gooly001 03-19-2011 08:38 PM

Hi All,

The fish shipment got bumped and it finally arrived last night. After a 30 hour travel time from L.A.X they are all alive and healthy.

The Powder Blues are a nice size and color is amazing. Even the Red spot Cardinals came in with minimal DOA's.

We feel that Quality Marine has the best and healthiest fish and we will endeavor to continue buying from them rather then transhipping as the stress and handling prove to be very hard on the livestock going through the transhipping process.

Come on in and check them out. Especially the octopus, what a wonderful creature to observe.



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