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ashley 03-17-2011 09:22 PM

Getting Mandarin to eat pellets
Hi everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone can offer me some tips for feeding my Mandarin. I've been training my spotted Mandarin to take prepared foods and so far its going very well. She is taking frozen brine, mysis and bloodworms with gusto. I would like to provide her with a varied diet so I was hoping to get her onto pellets as well.
So far how I;ve been feeding is by grabbing the food with tweezers and holding it up to her. Works great for the frozen foods but pellets don't work so well. She will try whatever I put infront of her(even flakes) but the pellets just don't seem to work for her. She trys it, spits it out, then swims away. Should I just keep at it?

Does anyone have any tips? Or a good pellet to try? I'm using Formula One pellets right now.


BlueWorldAquatic 03-17-2011 10:32 PM

Soak the pellets in Garlic (garlic guard), maybe the pellets are too hard for her. Also the garlic is more for enticement too.

I know when I got the ORA mandarins, the food that ORA suggested and gave me samples of were quite soft.

Ken - BWA

ashley 03-17-2011 11:28 PM

Ok thanks I will give that a try.
I've been soaking them prior to offering them so they are very soft and easy to bite off. But I will try the garlic and hopfully that will help.
Is the food that you got sold in stores?

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