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corrosionjerry 03-06-2011 03:32 AM

Clean up crew
Ok / think I need a bit of cleanup crew / I am starting to see some hair algae...

I want this tank to be mostly corals and the like / maybe annome and a pair of clowns

What should I be looking at for the cleanup crew... my first salt tank so I have no idea on what would fit with this setup

BlueWorldAquatic 03-06-2011 03:47 AM

How big of a tank?

btw CUC's are 20% off at the store till closing sunday. Poster on our facebook/twitter accounts.

For hair algae, mexican turbo's or sea hares, depending on tank size and amount of algae.

Ken - BWA

dunl 03-06-2011 03:52 AM

Get a lawnmower blenny.

Sea hares - don't they starve if you don't have enough hair algae, and don't most people need to move them to another tank usually?

corrosionjerry 03-06-2011 03:56 AM

Its 75 Gallon / and another 60G with the sump with refugium / not much algae... couple of rocks with it ..... the tank has been running for about 3 weeks with live rock and sand... refugium has chaeto in it.

BlueWorldAquatic 03-06-2011 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by dunl (Post 596292)
Sea hares - don't they starve if you don't have enough hair algae, and don't most people need to move them to another tank usually?

Not true, they readly take nori.


10-12 mexican turbos will keep the algae in control.


hound96 03-06-2011 03:59 AM

imo lawnmower blenny is the way to go and they are a neat fish to watch

dunl 03-06-2011 03:59 AM

Good to know, thanks.

BlueWorldAquatic 03-06-2011 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by hound96 (Post 596303)
imo lawnmower blenny is the way to go and they are a neat fish to watch

They are touch and go sometimes. Can become agressive towars other fish also. I had a LB in my 65 for the longest time, but didn't like long HA, had to be trimmed short before he touched it.

I found my Dragon Goby (black barred goby) would teal long HA off the rocks, they work doube douty as sand sifters too. Only bad if you have corals as they like to drop sand everywhere.


imcosmokramer 03-06-2011 06:08 PM

make sure your params are in check too.

szymek 03-06-2011 06:21 PM

if your tank is cycling then some algae here and there is ok - well I wouldn't sweat about it. Maybe start running GFO to get rid of any phosphates that can be leaching from rocks.

If you have DSB - get yourself some nassarious (they're amzing for mixing up substrate and if something small dies in your tank... they will take care of it in no time)

Other than that my fav snails are: Turbos (good for turf algae) but can be little bulldozers if your corals are not mounted to the rocks. Astrea (good all around). Cerith (good for detritus in your tank).

Those are my 3 fav snails that do amazing job in the tank.

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