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Raf 02-09-2011 05:12 PM

Fish with a gas bubble in its eye
WE have a batfish that has developed a gas bubble in its eye, The only issue we noticed with the aquarium it was in was lack of O2 due to not enough water agittation and a oily slick at the surface most likely caused by overfeeding. The other fish have no bubbles.

Any ideas of what has caused the bubble to form, what remedy can be done?



untamed 02-09-2011 08:58 PM

I've seen that before at least a few times with my Achilles tang. Always went away without intervention.

Oil slick on the surface suggests lack of surface water draw to sump or lack of surface breaking.

Raf 02-10-2011 04:34 PM

thanks for the info.

Yeah, sumpless tank, the koralia pumps were diverted away from the surface hence the lack of agitation, however the situation is now amended, I will keep everyone updated on the fish in case this happens to someone else.

Raf :)

gobytron 02-10-2011 05:37 PM

is this different than popeye?

Raf 02-11-2011 12:41 AM

kinda, unlike popeye, the eye is not enlarge and does not portrude beyong the norm. It just looks like an gas bubble is stuck inside, over the pupil.

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