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dsaundry 02-05-2011 04:50 PM

Clown Question
Ok So I have a small clown issue, My large tank{140g} has 2 gsm clowns, my wifes 15g has two true perc's, I have to take the 15g down at least for a bit during the reno's that are upcoming, I have had 2 sets of clowns before in a 90g but after a while the bickering started. It was fine for a year but it was a nasty squabble. She has had these clowns for almost 4 years and I cant put them in the 34g I have at work as it already has 2 clowns. There is lots of rock in the 140g so plenty of places to hide, I suppose I could put a couple of nems at opposite ends of the tank but no guarantee that they will stay in place, the other solution is to lose one pair of clowns...and it won't be mine:lol:....or maybe convince the wife to set up another tank downstairs in the den.:mrgreen:

Has anybody kept percs and maroons in the same tank succesfully and if so were there any tricks to it?

reefwars 02-05-2011 04:57 PM

no sump??

Bob 02-05-2011 08:03 PM

I have gold stripe marroons with a 72,,,,it has been about 2 years....maroons are much bigger...but no troubles as of yet...actually the osc are aggressive when they have eggs...

dsaundry 02-05-2011 10:03 PM

There is a sump but my wife doesn't want to banish them there, no light.. positively medievel..

dsaundry 02-05-2011 10:03 PM

Bob-which were in the tank first?

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