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prodogg02 02-04-2011 02:18 PM

6 gallon nano build
hi i started a 6 gallon nano tank yestarday to go with my 75 i had a rio nano skimmer from the past so i got it up and running good got a rimless 6 gallon from aquagiant for 16.99 and some make shift lighting from big als till i can afford some nice lights using desk lamps 7.99 from canadian tire and zoo med 50 50 floresent 10w bulbs got 5lbs of live sand for the tank which seems to take forever to clear up going to use some existing live rock from the 75 here are a few pics water still cloudy after 12 hours :(

DCDN 02-04-2011 06:05 PM

What do you plan on stocking it with?

prodogg02 02-04-2011 08:59 PM

Just put my rock with some gsp and few diff mushrooms may stop at. Ai and get a few zoos and some sorta goby .some shrimp in the future
I just worry about fish jumping out its cleard up alot ill post new pics later on

likwid 02-04-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by prodogg02 (Post 588424)
Just put my rock with some gsp and few diff mushrooms may stop at. Ai and get a few zoos and some sorta goby .some shrimp in the future
I just worry about fish jumping out its cleard up alot ill post new pics later on

Gobies are jumpers. I've had both a yellow clown goby and a firefish do some carpet surfing in my experiences. Be sure to get a lid, or I wouldn't bother with a goby.

prodogg02 02-05-2011 09:33 PM

a more few pics. got it stockd godd enough for now i added 4 more mush frags and a pair of black clown gobys sorry for quality i useing my laptop cam

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