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Sumfingwong 01-27-2011 10:07 PM

I think I have Aptasia in my tank, I wanted to ask if Aptasia can retract into a something its attached to.

I have an Aquamedic turboflotor, and I noticed an aptasia looking "thing" attached to where the intake is. During a water change, I used a piece of paper towel, and tried to pick at it and clean off the area of the protein skimmer. A couple days was back! So I used something and poked at it, and it slowly retracted into the intake area.

I will try and snap a picture of it tonight and post it. I just didnt know if Aptasia can do that (I'm still kinda new to the hobby)

Thanks all

FishyFishy! 01-27-2011 10:19 PM

Yes, it can certainly tuck back into anything that it is on. If you haven't got 100% of it off the surface of whatever it's clinging onto, it will most likely grow back. It's tricky stuff.

Sumfingwong 01-27-2011 10:22 PM

I know I will jinx myself.

But so far I only see it on the protein skimmer. This weekend, I need to overhaul my system anyways, I'll clean the skimmer and the eheim cannister. 01-27-2011 10:25 PM

it sound like an aptasia try removing it without chopping it down to pieces.
get at it from the base.
there are quit a few other methods out there for eradicating the pest.

xnmuller 01-27-2011 10:26 PM

I hear tell that if you try to remove Aptasia while it is still in the tank that all the little bits that break off into the water column become new sprouts once they settle down. And I'm sure thats the last thing you're looking for. Like I said I only heard this maybe someone can confirm.

Sumfingwong 01-27-2011 10:50 PM

Thanks for the tips guys/gals. I will remove the protein skimmer to give it a good cleaning, i'll take off the intake case and try to get it at its base. Is there any harm in touching it with my fingers? I'll wear plastic gloves.

Sumfingwong 01-27-2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by xnmuller (Post 585736)
I hear tell that if you try to remove Aptasia while it is still in the tank that all the little bits that break off into the water column become new sprouts once they settle down. And I'm sure thats the last thing you're looking for. Like I said I only heard this maybe someone can confirm.

Looks like you were right

How does one get a hypodermic needle in Calgary without them thinking you are some junkie? lol

globaldesigns 01-27-2011 10:57 PM

You really don't need to remove anything.

Personally I would go to your drug store and buy a syringe for 25 cents, and get some KALK powder from you LFS

Mix a bit of the kalk with some water and use the syringe to suck it into it. Turn off your flow, so the water is calm and then stick the aptasia with the syringe and inject a bit of KALK paste, remove and then put a bit of it ontop of it as well. Leave all pumps off to keep water calm and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

Usually one dose works and kills it. If you have more, then repeat the process.

The Grizz 01-28-2011 12:36 AM

Along with everything else growing well in my tank lately so is the aptasia, a little to well. I could spend days trying to kill it all off. I would love to have a CBB or some nudis that would munch it all away. The peppermint shrimp I bought are no more and will no be replacing them.

Binare 01-28-2011 01:12 AM

Good old fashioned boiling water in a syringe will kill em

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