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Skimmerking 01-27-2011 01:43 AM

Looking for a really good timers
ok what are the best timers out there that i can get for the tank to run 3x250's they can be the plug in or the fancy ones that you wire to the wall.

if you have the fancy ones that wire to the wall
how much ?
need 3 of them?

Aquattro 01-27-2011 01:45 AM

My new Apex works great for timing :)

Smudge 01-27-2011 01:50 AM

Digital Aquatics Reefkeeper Lite. $106 at J&L

The Grizz 01-27-2011 02:10 AM

I used the one you wire into the wall boxes for my tank. They work great because if by chance the power goes out they retain there settings. They are a little expensive @ $30 a piece but well worth it.

Aquattro 01-27-2011 02:18 AM

Oh, just buy a controller :)

Skimmerking 01-27-2011 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 585445)
Oh, just buy a controller :)

Brad I had a controller it was a aqua controller 3 however ended up sellingit cause i didntknow how to program and and use it. I would love a reef keeper but they are not recommended for a large setup.


gobytron 01-27-2011 01:54 PM

whats the logic beind reefkeeprs not being for large set ups?

Aquattro 01-27-2011 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 585553)
Brad I had a controller it was a aqua controller 3 however ended up selling it cause I didn't know how to program and and use it. I would love a reef keeper but they are not recommended for a large setup.


Once you get the "it's complicated" thing out of your head, it's really quite simple. And it's easy to cut and paste commands into the app. Anything you want to do has been done before, and someone has the code for it. I have trouble with setting clocks on VCRs (or is it DVDs now?) but my Apex was dead easy.

kobelka 01-27-2011 02:59 PM

Looking for a really good timer
Quite often I have seen ads for this in bathroom stalls? :redface:
Nyuk Nyuk!!!

KevinK 01-27-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 585553)
Brad I had a controller it was a aqua controller 3 however ended up sellingit cause i didntknow how to program and and use it. I would love a reef keeper but they are not recommended for a large setup.


my reefkeeper lt ($ 104) runs on my 450 / 500 set up, and nothing, realy nothing wrong with it.

I use it for controlling my temp (5 heaters) dosing pumps + some lights.

I also dont se why not on big tanks, you can get PH probes and all other kinds of probesfor it (as with all units, you can build it a fair bit)

thy also have a ad on for controlling LED units, it might not be as fancy as a GHL ore apex, but it dous the job realy well, and it is as simpel as counting 1,2,3

I do beleave thee are brands out there that can do more, but when you want it all but dont have all the $, I dont se where the RK lite would be dangerous for a larg tank.

it could be gust what makes you feel comforteble.

for me, it is 20X better than those darn disc things that always fail, and it contrils the temp of the tank up to the .1 degree

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