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props 12-27-2003 04:00 AM

Boxing Day!
so what did you guys/gals purchased today[aquarium related]?
come on fess up


1. open brain
2. test kit [ca n alk]
3. ph monitor =o)
4. fish food
5. acro from jedi68[ thanks again!!]

oh if it counts my wife got me a couple of clams for $28.88 a piece and another 25% off on top
if neones looking for some clams[hope there are still left], there were two ultra grade maximas at big als n burnaby for $79 - 25%[each] =o)

:mrgreen: :x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas: :x-mas: :mrgreen:

christyf5 12-27-2003 04:05 AM

I bought ski bindings. From the looks of it outside, I may be using them to get home :eek: (to my reef tank. There! Thats reef related! :wink:)

props 12-27-2003 04:07 AM

wonder if we'll ever see white xmas here in vancouver. =o/

LostMind 12-27-2003 09:23 AM

good score. Cant believe your wife shops for your tank :)

Its snowing by my house here in port moody!

sumpfinfishe 12-31-2003 07:12 AM

Hey Christy, me too!
I got new bindings and boots, and then decided to try out a pair of new super short carvers instead of my straight old 195 planks :mrgreen:

Then I got my car broken into a few hours later, so I lost my stereo, oakley's, and a bakpak with my some of my better looking threads.

I have the second week in Jan off, you should come over and hit the slopes over here, Mt Wash. has too much of that fluffy white powdery stuff :mrgreen:

Oh yeah, my first year in 6 years that I haven't been to a fish store during boxing week :question: :eek:

BCOrchidGuy 01-03-2004 01:45 AM

I got a 400 watt 10,000k MH bulb and a 175 watt 10,000k MH bulb, both from J&L.

Props.. enough snow for you yet?


2klude 01-04-2004 01:40 PM

i bought a filstar xp3 canister filter for my new 150gal frontosa tank.

props 01-05-2004 02:59 AM

i want more doug
or lower temp anyways
always wanted to iceskate at trout lake =o)

BCOrchidGuy 01-05-2004 03:23 AM

Props, a long time ago... in a county not to far away (cloverdale) we used to ice skate at Fry's corner (176th and Fraser Hwy), it would always flood over in the fall and then freeze for the winter, hundreds of people woud skate there. Things have been warming up alot in the last 20 years, kinda scary.


Stretch 01-05-2004 03:29 AM

I'm still waiting for J&L too ship out my skimmer :frown:

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