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Nate_ 12-28-2010 06:38 PM

Looking For a 75 Gallon Tank Stand DIY How To
Hey guys im looking for a how to for a 75 gallon tank stand if you guys know any links or such it would be much appreciated

Edmonton newbie 12-28-2010 07:19 PM

nate what look are you looking for?
grab some lumber and come to the garage lol

Nate_ 12-28-2010 07:23 PM

lol got a 75 gallon tank and sump for free today off kijiji and im trying to figure out pricing and such before i build due to money is tight but once i get some starting funds i will definatly head your way lol

dunl 12-28-2010 08:15 PM

Nate, here's some pics of a stand I built (supervisors are sitting on the couch...the only one helping me was the short brown skinny guy with the label:D)

It'll give you an idea of a simple 2x4 stand. I've added some triangle gussets to it as well in order to stabilize it too.

GMGQ 01-17-2011 11:50 PM

You can check out my 75gallon stand if you want:

Just enter the site and click on:
- DIY GALLERY (at the top)
- STAND (at the right)

SmallFry 02-02-2011 02:36 PM

May be a little late to the party with this one, but if you want a nice looking open design there is a plan for a workbench from fine woodworking magazine, which would almost certainly be strong enough, and actually looks pretty good if built from decent ply as in the article..

The shelves underneath are optional.

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