Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Oceanic 12-17-2010 12:56 AM

All Livestock for sale! No time for the tank at the moment!
It seems I have come to a point in my life that I have no more time left to look after my tank! Everything is for sale and needs to go! I am going to start new again in the future but for now this is it...

I will not let any of the fish go to anyone that does not have a very established aquarium and experience keeping fish healthy and well fed. No newbies please, all fish have been in the tank for a minimum of three years and most are older...

Livestock / Prices vary

Rare pieces of SPS (ie, Hawkins Echinata, Ponape birdsnest, Setosa, and more...
Some LPS
Some Zoas

I will be available Sunday for those wanting first crack at the Coral. I will frag some colonies for those not interested in the whole piece.


1 Majestic Angel (Extremely tame and does not touch Corals!!) $100
1 Magnificent Foxface Large (Also very tame and very friendly) $75
1 Powder Blue Tang (Big eater and gets along with tankmates) $30
2 Various Wrasses $15 each.
1 Unidentified black Bristletooth Tang (Very Tame) $25.00
1 Harlequin Tusk (Tame and coral and tankmate friendly) $70
2 Square spot Anthias $25 each.
3 Chromis large $20 each.
1 Rare golden dwarf angelfish (striking fish) Coral friendly $80
2 Bengai Cardinals $20.00 each
1 Pajama Cardinal $10


1 Coral Branded Shrimp $5
1 Blue Linkia $10
1 Black Spined Urchin, large $10
1 Large Chiton, very cool! $15
1 Pencil Urchin $10

I will do a package price for anyone wanting all of the livestock. Hardware will go up after the livestock sells. I will not entertain any offers, prices are firm.

Borderjumper 12-17-2010 01:25 AM

PM sent on the ponape

hk030405 12-17-2010 01:26 AM

dibbs on the angelfish :)

DJ_drew 12-17-2010 01:32 AM

can u post a pic of the tang and the magnificent fox face?
depending on size i'll take them both


Oceanic 12-17-2010 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by DJ_drew (Post 574024)
can u post a pic of the tang and the magnificent fox face?
depending on size i'll take them both


I will try to get pics but don't have access to a camera tonight. The Foxface and the Tang are both pretty large and in good condition...

Oceanic 12-17-2010 01:43 AM

Busy with my daughter tonight until she is in bed so I may or may not have time to answer all PM's tonight...thanks!

DJ_drew 12-17-2010 01:45 AM

any idea what kind of tang it is?

Oceanic 12-17-2010 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by DJ_drew (Post 574030)
any idea what kind of tang it is?

I think it is some kind of Striatus species of Tang, never seen one like it for sale.. It is very friendly and bold.

soups 12-17-2010 02:30 AM

I would really like to see pics of of your sps. Can you make a list on your rare pcs. I would like to do a group buy for all the guys in the GTA area.

Tigger 12-17-2010 02:57 AM

I am interested in the powder blue tang, coral banded shrimp and the blue linkia starfish.

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