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Delphinus 12-06-2010 03:47 AM

Now that's a clam tank..
Remember the first Crocodile Dundee movie back in the 80's ?

"That's not a knife!! Now THIS ... THIS is a knife." Substitute "knife" with "clam tank" and you might get something like this:

Dr Mac / Pacific East Aquaculture earlier today posted a video of a shipment of some 500 T. maximas.

Simply awesome..

Lance 12-06-2010 04:02 AM

Wow! Intense colours on some of them. How would you choose one? I'd probably go: "Ooh I want that one, No that one, Wait a minute, that one."

BlueTang<3 12-06-2010 04:05 AM

take them all :twised:

PoonTang 12-06-2010 04:08 AM

$150-$250 each.! Yikes! I wonder how the heck you ship 500 clams?

The Grizz 12-06-2010 04:16 AM

That is the reason we cant get any nice clams up here, someone else has them all.

Snappy 12-06-2010 05:19 AM

Great link, thanks Tony!

lorenz0 12-06-2010 06:50 AM

I want more clams now. lol

lastlight 12-06-2010 02:40 PM

Imagine being those guys or any of the big wholesalers. That's real cherry-picking power wow. Their tanks must be top shelf!

fishoholic 12-06-2010 02:57 PM

WOW is right! Beautiful but I'd never be able to pick just one and I couldn't afford more then that :pout:

globaldesigns 12-06-2010 03:52 PM

Grizz, I want mine back... Damn you Tony!!! :lol:

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