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Aquattro 11-12-2010 06:23 PM

Suggestions on canopy fan?
I'm looking to replace my current fan with something on the quiet side. While my current fan blows huge amounts of air, I can hear it three rooms away.
The new tank will be in the livingroom, and the girl will be happier if we don't have to listen to the fan while watching TV :)

Any recommendations on near silent fans?

( saw a thread long ago about this, but can't find it now)

PoonTang 11-12-2010 06:39 PM

try huge assortment of fans.

cwatkins 11-12-2010 07:30 PM

Look for ultra quiet PC fans. I have 2 in my hood, they are about $20 each. Super duper bearings, etc. For the $15 premium over a standard case fan, they are worth it for their lack of any noise.

Aquattro 11-12-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by cwatkins (Post 564186)
Look for ultra quiet PC fans. I have 2 in my hood, they are about $20 each. Super duper bearings, etc. For the $15 premium over a standard case fan, they are worth it for their lack of any noise.

Thanks, I'll take a look at those.

lastlight 11-12-2010 08:40 PM

Yeah if you head to a computer shop that stocks a massive amount of fans that's best. The dB rating is usually on them. I picked the ones that were very quiet and still pushed as much air as possible. 120mm.

mark 11-12-2010 09:12 PM

thums up to the computer muffin type fans (120v or 12vdc with a wall wart adapter).

Is something though to read reviews say if buying from a place like where people fiqure 32dB is loud (says the guy with a Barracuda return pump)

hillegom 11-12-2010 09:33 PM

I bought a gelid TC 120 mm computor case fan for my cabinet. 12V, variable speed, temp. controlled.
750rpm (22C) - 1500rpm (42C) 12-25.5 db
Not installed yet so can't tell you how good it is. Has a temp probe that turns the fan on at 22C or 72 deg Farenheit at 750 rpm and ramps up to 1500 rpm at 42 deg C at which time it is only supposed to be 25.5 db loud
I bought it at NCIX but any computer store should have it.
When I get it all together, tank and cabinet, I will tell you how it runs

plutoniumJoe 11-13-2010 01:37 AM

I got a few Antec fans that have a 3 speed switch on them, in the winter I can turn them down and not hear them at all and in the summer if I need the extra boost I can take them to 11 or just the third highest speed.

lastlight 11-13-2010 03:20 AM

Haha at 11 no heat can touch ya =)

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