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pirate 11-07-2010 11:17 AM

Pistol shrimp goby pair
Well I have a paired up tiger pistol shrimp with a goby (forgot what kind). They have been in my tank for a about 6 months now. I've added some more fish and I haven't seen either of them since! I've seen the tigers claws poking out during feeding time ( and hear him snaping his claws) but that's about it. I've been spot feeding sinking shrimp pellets at there cave opening.
Buts it's about a week and I haven't seen the goby out at all and I'm worried! Will he eat the pellets? I've only ever feed him brine. Would the tiger eat him? They have been toghter for awhile on my tank ( bought them paired up).

gsar 11-07-2010 06:50 PM

I had the same thing happen. I've had a watchman and a Randall's pistol shrimp together for over a year now. A while back the watchman went missing for over a month.

The pistol shrimp actually covered up the entrance cave and the watchman was buried alive it seemed. About a month to six weeks later (after I thought he was dead) he finally emerged. Real pale and skinny with no color.

Anyway, he's recovered quite well and a big portion of what he eats is pellets. I think they get quite a bit of the pods and bugs that live in the sand also.

Hang on for while.

pirate 11-07-2010 07:46 PM

Thanks I'll wait for awhile. ( I was not gonna tear my rocks apart) Hopefully soon he will come on out.

gsar 11-07-2010 07:53 PM

Yea, the new fish might just have him spooked for while.

pirate 11-07-2010 08:07 PM

Thats what I was thinking, but he's never hid for that long. When I got him he was out almost right away and I never saw the tiger. But I guess I did add some very active fish to the tank, and he is a nervous guy. Thanks once again.

dstasiuk 11-07-2010 10:56 PM

I have a Yellow Watchman paired with a Pistol shrimp - very rarely see them. I gave up trying to target feed them. I keep thinking they have both "bought it", then they appear again. I have gone up to three months without seeing them, and all of a sudden - there they are. The shrimp is growing, and the Watchman is anything but skinny.

Go figure... Too bad - the symbiotic relationship is really neat. It would be nice to observe it more readily.

pirate 11-08-2010 02:15 AM

They were in the middle of my tank. I always saw them atleast 1 a day. It was fun to see them toghter.

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