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Raven34 11-03-2010 03:48 AM

Going to Edmonton LFS?
Going on a road trip in a week to see my family, time will be short and i cant drag my family checking out every one it town so think i will just pick one. I do like corals but am more of a fish guy. For the eye candy effect who would have the best selection of angels tang triggers. thanks.

blacknife 11-03-2010 04:57 AM

I like all of them, Call ahead and see who has the most of what you want in stock?

Raven34 11-03-2010 05:18 AM

Calling would be a good idea but i think they would all have the best selection if i asked them.

reefwars 11-03-2010 05:21 AM

in my opinion all the stores either go coral or go fish for fish i would go to marine aquaria or blue world aquatics and for coral i go aquarium illusions or red coral....all the stores have both but i find these the places i go for coral or fish:)

reefwars 11-03-2010 05:22 AM

and if i was in a rush right now and leave the house on the hopes i could find the fish i was looking for and i only had time for one store no matter what have to say marine aquaria for fish as much as i love blue world:):)

muck 11-03-2010 05:27 AM

What part of the city you going to be in?

Raven34 11-03-2010 11:52 PM

Thanks for the info guys. I think i will try to hit both Blue world and Marine aquaria. Im pretty pumped to see some new tanks. I think this trip will cost me some money. thanks again

BlueWorldAquatic 11-04-2010 01:15 AM

Both our stores are like 5 minutes apart.

If you make it in, call ahead, and I'll try to make sure I am in the store when you come by.

Don't forget The Reef Shoppe on the way. ;)

Ken - BWA

Raven34 11-04-2010 02:39 AM

5 minutes from each other. I will tell my wife they were both on different ends of the city that will free up some time for a longer visit..sweet.

Newbies 11-04-2010 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 561572)
and if i was in a rush right now and leave the house on the hopes i could find the fish i was looking for and i only had time for one store no matter what have to say marine aquaria for fish as much as i love blue world:):)

Really I would have to Disagree and Say Ken at Blueworld has a Better fish selection where as Marine Aquaria may have a slightly better selection on Bigger coral colonies but not always better selection and or kinds of coral. But as we all like to say this is just my opinion not that of others or this here Forum LOL:razz::smile::lol::biggrin:. So my first stop would be Blueworld
volvo c70

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