samriggins |
10-30-2010 09:04 PM |
150gal complete saltwater setup
I have a 150gal saltwater tank for sale, comes with a ehiem filter, remora skimmer, 6 bulb aquatic life t5 ballist with moon lights and timer, 2 bulb t5 ballast and heater. Also a bunch of live fiji rock, and sand. Also the corals it includes are frog spawn, finger leathers, toadstool leather, green star polyps, kenya trees, anenome mushroom, zoo's, purple mushrooms, 2 brain corals and much more. The fish that it would come with are 2 clown fish, a blue tang, 2 black and white damsels and many snails and hermit crabs also a peppermint shrimp. I am wanting to get somewhere close to 3000.00 for all of it, just the lights, tank and filter costed me this much so it's a pretty good deal if your looking at starting up a tank, also very easy to maintain.