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ScubaSteve 10-03-2010 08:59 PM

Reefkeeping 101 Classes - What's your Opinion?
Yesterday, my girlfriend and I went to a workshop to learn about beekeeping as we have been talking about starting a couple hives come springtime. This workshop was in somebody's backyard, using their hives and they had a professional beekeeper and some friends there teach about 20 of us. It was a really cool format, very informative and best of all we got to see a real, living hive. We got to see the bees close up, learned the biology and their INSANE social structure (if you've never learned this I'd recommend it... so cool!).

And this got me thinking...

When I was first starting into reefing I was really overwhelmed. There was a ton of reading, lots of slang to decipher and, without someones set-up in front of me, it was difficult visualize the proper way to set-up a tank. Worst of all, when answering all the questions I had, I realized that for every two reefer's there are three opinions on how things should be done. Had I not stumbled onto this site, I'd have been pretty lost and pretty unaware for the huge community of people in the hobby.

I think it would be great for us to organize some "Reefkeeping 101" classes and get some of the new people here, people considering reefing and anyone else interested to get together at someone place for an informative talk. We could teach the basics (set-up, husbandry, coral/fish biology, etc), see a living tank up close, as well as introduce people to the reefkeeping community.

There's a lot we could teach people and a lot of different classes we could do if people felt so inclined. We could do everything from general classes on the basics to more specific and advanced topics. We could find some local experts to come in. Some of us who have been around for a bit could donate some frags or have them available by donation. We could advertise at the local shops. Maybe get a local shop to sponsor? The possibilities are endless and I have a ton of ideas but... I'd like to hear from the rest of you.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Also, if there is anyone who'd be interested in teaching a class like this with me and a few others, or participating in such a class or willing to donate some time in front of their tank for the class please chime in! I love to hold one at my place but I think it'd be hard to fit people in front of a square 40g and a 14g biocube.

eternitybc 10-03-2010 09:19 PM

I'm in Steve! I'm still fairly new and don't have many answers, but I think this is a great idea. I'd be willing to donate time to help teach this.

let me know if you need help setting it up.

whatcaneyedo 10-03-2010 11:38 PM

We've been doing something very similar up here for the past four years. We call it The Reef Tank Tour and it was started by a former retailer to educate her customers on how reef tank's could be setup and run. Several of us host open houses to allow new and seasoned hobbyists in to see our tanks on separate weekends during the winter. Those that come are able to see first hand what our tanks look like and ask questions on how everything works. At the same time we often host a small frag and equipment swap on the side. Its all very informal and a lot of fun.

ScubaSteve 10-04-2010 12:04 AM

Yeah! That's exactly what I'm going for. I wouldn't want it to be a formal classroom-y thing but, as you said, fun and informal. I just want it to be welcoming and unintimidating.

If I can drum up enough support around here I'll gladly negotiate with a shop for some additional support.

Wayne 10-04-2010 01:14 AM

Would be nice if someone in Edmonton would teach something like this :lol:

I spend a lot of time reading about the basics and I still only just get by :redface:

Frankly with the money that we spend on these tanks its a shame so many people barly know the balance of Mag, Cal, and dKH.

Hangfire 10-04-2010 01:47 AM

This sounds like a great idea to me. There's so much to learn and it would be cool to see some of the local tanks. Count me in as someone looking to learn more.

Twinn 10-04-2010 02:56 AM

Sounds like it would be a good idea, I would be in.

cale262 10-04-2010 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Wayne (Post 553398)
Would be nice if someone in Edmonton would teach something like this :lol:

I spend a lot of time reading about the basics and I still only just get by :redface:

Frankly with the money that we spend on these tanks its a shame so many people barly know the balance of Mag, Cal, and dKH.

Sounds like something like this would be money well spent....So who in E-town is going to be first to offer this...I'd be down for sure.

ScubaSteve 10-05-2010 07:42 PM

Let's here from someof the veterans around these parts! What do you old timers think? Anyone out there interested in volunteering some time for this?

ScubaSteve 10-07-2010 11:43 PM

Really? No one?

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