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dsaundry 10-01-2010 10:54 PM

Economy blues poll
So after observing how fast and slow things are selling here and abroad on the forum my poll is this: The majority of people don't seem to be spending as much or are downsizing or getting out of the hobby altogether. I would have to atribute this to lay-off's at work, slower business or business closure etc. So I will put in a few options for your views.

reefwars 10-01-2010 11:14 PM

I voted things are the same for me I thought it was gonna get slow but I work for a rental company and when the recession hit they started buying cheap properties , they have been waiting years for this and when it happens they buy it all up. Lately I've been working 16 hr days with little tank time but I'm building a huge custom tank so I'm still spending, orob mire now than ever lol:):)

amoreira 10-02-2010 01:47 AM

For me things are great! The only problem I have is LFS not stocking the stuff I want and waiting for slow shipping.

Sebae again 10-02-2010 02:13 AM

My spending has slowed mainly because of 2 reasons; HST and City Bank cranking up my credit card from 5% to 25% and increasing the payments. Thanks for bailing them out Mr. President of "A."

The Grizz 10-02-2010 05:24 AM

There is no option for ' business partner stole all the company assets and left you with the debt and refuses to be a civil human being '.

So then the next closet thing is option 1, but I have no plans to get out or down size if at all possible.

Starting a new company and looking into opening a SW shop here in Red Deer if I can get approval from the BD of C.

Albertan22 10-02-2010 03:18 PM

I was under the impression that the recession was over and things were picking up again? We've been busier at work during Q2 and Q3 than we were during the boom years.

dsaundry 10-02-2010 04:13 PM

One of the reasons I posted this poll is more curiousity than anything, I have noticed for the most part Canada is 1+1/2- 2 years behind in our economic structures. I have listened to a lot of b$ coming from parliment hill stating that Canada would come out of this{smelling like a rose} and there was no way that we would be as bad as the U.S.A. Yet I have seen more work slow downs and layoffs where I live, and business is down 10-15%. I think the smaller comunities are taking bigger hits{normal} but I still think we have some more downhill dips to go.:cry: I personally have had to cut some of my employees hours or I will have to let somebody go. I have had more people coming and asking for work in the last 6 months than I have had in the past 6 years. So how we spend is sometimes indicitive of this. I find it interesting to talk to people and find that most of the people I talk to say they have definately seen a slow down over the past year. I know there is some business's that seem to fly along regardless of what happens in the economy but if you look at the reef forums there is what appears to be a lot mor stuff being sold and systems being taken down. Just my 2cents.

Binare 10-02-2010 07:59 PM

My jobs directly effected by other companies spending, budgets get cut, my work gets cut. A lot of major projects hit the shelves for awhile but now, I can't keep up and work 60+ hours a week once again. I'm sure the lfs is glad to see my wallet again.

naesco 10-03-2010 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by dsaundry (Post 553070)
One of the reasons I posted this poll is more curiousity than anything, I have noticed for the most part Canada is 1+1/2- 2 years behind in our economic structures. I have listened to a lot of b$ coming from parliment hill stating that Canada would come out of this{smelling like a rose} and there was no way that we would be as bad as the U.S.A. Yet I have seen more work slow downs and layoffs where I live, and business is down 10-15%. I think the smaller comunities are taking bigger hits{normal} but I still think we have some more downhill dips to go.:cry: I personally have had to cut some of my employees hours or I will have to let somebody go. I have had more people coming and asking for work in the last 6 months than I have had in the past 6 years. So how we spend is sometimes indicitive of this. I find it interesting to talk to people and find that most of the people I talk to say they have definately seen a slow down over the past year. I know there is some business's that seem to fly along regardless of what happens in the economy but if you look at the reef forums there is what appears to be a lot mor stuff being sold and systems being taken down. Just my 2cents.

Hey, you still have a employees, a business and a house. Most of our American friends are unemployed, their companies went bankrupt and the bank foreclosed on their home.

One of the reasons we don't have all the problems is that we have a good government in Ottawa. Don't blame the government. Be thankful we have good government.

Myka 10-03-2010 02:10 AM

The economy got me laid-off a few years ago, but that hardly put a hitch in my giddy-up. Luckily, my line of work doesn't give me much (if any) wage cut when I change workplaces. It's all the same to me.

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