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pinhead 09-27-2010 04:07 PM

Cheap Mandarins
Was in King Eds on the weekend and they got in 100 mandarins intead of 2. They are selling them for $9.99 before they starve.

Chin_Lee 09-27-2010 04:33 PM

Oh man what a shame - most of them will probably die.
Canreefers - go save them if we can. I know this is counterproductive in that we show a demand and supplier will send more but I'm sure this was not king ed's intentions of bringing in 100 mandarins.
If you do go in to buy, make sure you tell them you are buying it to try to save them. its a shame i just shut down my refugium - had tons of pods in there.

ferret 09-27-2010 07:05 PM

They told me last week that an error was made for placing the order and turned out to be tons of mandarins as resulted.

ScubaSteve 09-27-2010 07:38 PM

Do you recall if they were the target or psychadelic mandarins?

KPG007 09-27-2010 07:44 PM

I picked up two psychadelic mandarins on the weekend (not targets). They were selling fast, but they probably had 30 - 40 at the end of the day saturday. Heck of a deal for such beautiful fish!

apexifd 09-27-2010 10:40 PM

Since i already have a male mandarine so I only bought a female. Will love to have of these beautiful fish in my tank. But, having 2 in a 75g, I am already pushing the limit. Unless I can train them all to eat frozen food.

Canuckgod420 09-27-2010 11:22 PM

i picked up 2 yesterday, they started picking at the rocks right away.

cwatkins 09-28-2010 01:52 AM

Anybody see how many they had today? I'm for sure stopping by tomorrow to pick one up.

Canuckgod420, any sign of them eating traditional foods?

Mandosh 09-28-2010 01:55 AM

Looked like there was about 15-20 left at 5ish

apexifd 09-28-2010 02:03 AM

do spend your time picking the right fish.. my first one die and I pick up another one today... hoping it will make it..

they probably sold so many of them in the last few days, the guy just ask me if I want to pick and net my own fish... ha... I wish I could have done that on my first fish. Might be able to pick a healthier fish.

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