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ElGuappo 08-09-2010 07:20 AM

Looking for Macro Algae
looking for types of macro for a refuge... i already have some cheato and would like to stay away for types that release spores such as grape caulerpa.
and i would like to stay away from ones that steal calcium... thats not too much too ask for is it? i have been triing to read up on them a little buts hard to find detailed info on macro.. every once in a while i will notice a "chain store" has various types of macro and just dont know what kinds are good for a small 7G planted refuge.. it will house small invers and maybe a fish so i dont want anything thats going to get out of control to quick..

Any thoughts or links???


Seamazter 08-09-2010 04:37 PM
try sealettuce and shaving brush, mermaid fan too.

RCFA 08-09-2010 05:07 PM

I think Mermaid fan and shaving brush are both calcifying algaes.

I have some caulerpa prolifera if you want to try it. It has never released spores on me, but no guarantees.

ElGuappo 08-09-2010 07:33 PM

ya so far the only thing ive seen that may be what i am looking for is maidens hair, but i will look into those mentioned


ElGuappo 08-09-2010 07:54 PM

the mermaid fan is calcareous but i coudnt find anything that says shaving brush is...and i have found a few different types of shaving brush online.

RCFA 08-09-2010 10:58 PM

Quoted on the Reef shop website:

Shaving Brush Plant (Penicillus capitus) grow in sandy substrates via rhizoidal "root balls". Its elongated stalk and green grass-like upward branches make a nice contrast against other natural decorations and corals in the home aquarium. Like the Halimeda Plant and like Coralline Algae, the Shaving Brush incorporates a hard Calcium Carbonate skeleton within its living tissue. This Caribbean-Atlantic native is functional in that it helps in the removal of organic nutrients because it consumes many waste by-products in the aquarium. This easy-care marine plant does well in a variety of conditions. Medium light and water-levels should suit it fine. Calcium and iron are beneficial in overall health and growth. Individual specimens are 3 - 4 inches.

RCFA 08-09-2010 11:03 PM

I would suggest some of the brown or red algae. Halymenia and certain sargassums are sometimes available locally.

Check out for some options. Unfortunately they don't ship to Canada, but it will give you an idea what's available.

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