Be sure to use a potassium test kit so you know if you are maintain the correct level when using the K80 supplement. Potassium iodide is not used for dosing potassium as it contains too much Iodide. You will increase the Iodide level way too high if you try to get to the proper potassium level this way, this is why it is usually called an Iodine supplement. The trouble with Iodide and Iodine dosing is that reef quality Iodine test kits are not accurate enough to count on. Imo, the best way to dose Iodide and Iodine is to watch your tank. If you get algae growth, cut back. If your corals turn overly green, cut back. Most tanks will get enough Iodine from the dry foods we feed the inhabitants.
Also, when using a strong Iodine supplement like Lugol's, the difference between a dose and an overdose is not significant, but the results are! Personally, I feel comfortable dosing Potassium iodide regularly, but not Lugol's. There have been times when I have experimented dosing Lugol's, but I dosed about 1/8th of the label directions since I am extremely cautious when dosing something I cannot reliably test for.