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kgb 11-20-2003 03:02 AM

shrimp questions
hey guys i have a few questions. i think my shrimp is pregnant. all the little legs by the tail are full of little green things ? looks like eggs are they? also what do i need to do for this . the tank is a 10 gall there is 2 shrimp and 2 clown fish. what should i do to help these if there are eggs to survive?

Delphinus 11-20-2003 03:20 AM

Yup ... those are eggs. :biggrin: :cool:

I think it would be a considerably challenging task to raise the fry. I think it has been done but to be honest I haven't really followed what's going on with captive raised shrimp, I think it's being done on a commercial basis with peppermint shrimp but I'm not sure it's being done with cleaners or fire shrimp or other species yet. I could be wrong.

They will hatch shortly after "lights out" at some point and then your tank will be full of itty-bitty baby shrimp. Unfortunately they must taste very good because everyone in your tank will have a feast. It's probably a really high quality food though, so their sacrifice is not completely in vain .... ??? :neutral:

Quinn 11-20-2003 04:24 AM

I believe a public aquarium in Hawaii (Wakiki?) has managed to breed them, but it is a rather complex process and they are the only people to ever report success.

LostMind 11-20-2003 06:13 AM

Just think of it as nourishment for your tank :)

Corals should get a bit more protein!

Son Of Skyline 11-20-2003 03:58 PM

I wish my cleaner shrimp would spawn. Free food for my corals :mrgreen:

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