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snow1 07-19-2010 10:15 PM

Can anyone suggest an in sump skimmer for me?
Hi all, I'm looking into different skimmers for my tank. I really like my vertex that I have on right now but it's only good up to tanks that are 80g. I'm looking for options on a skimmer for a 175g tank. I really like vertex ones but when I looked at the higher end models the price really jumped. Plus I have a space issue. The skimmer can't be wider than 12" or it won't fit in my sump. and it can't be over 20" in height, is there a skimmer out there that would fit? I don't want to spend like $700 on a skimmer b/c I new to saltwater and just want something to get the job done. I know you get what you payed for etc... but what's a good choice? The tank is going to be a moderatly stocked predator tank with fish such as eel,groupers etc....
do I even need a bigger skimmer? I know skimmers are not needed and the filtration on my tank is already very good. Seems to be going well so far but the tank does not have any fish yet.

Ron99 07-19-2010 10:28 PM

The SWC ones look really nice and would probably be what I would buy if I were looking for a skimmer now. My Bubble Magus is also well built and performing well. Check with Ian at Oceanic Corals and he'll hook you up :D

Milad 07-19-2010 10:34 PM

my opinion (which is a noob one) get a used skimmer. Only thing that really wears out is the pump, everything else you are paying for doesn't really wear. Plus if the pump wears out you can replace it with a pump you like better.

i got a pentair 250 on my 180g which is similar to euroreef 250 (

I also got H & S 200 ( but it doesnt fit under my tank unless i move my power line which ive put off.. lol

snow1 07-19-2010 11:12 PM

Ya I would like to buy a skimmer used if I could and save some coin. I'll look into your suggestions.

Myka 07-20-2010 01:42 AM

I would also suggest you look for something used. Personally, I wouldn't suggest you go down from a Vertex. If you don't want to or can't spend the money on a decent quality skimmer like Vertex or EuroReef that will fit your tank size I would suggest you just use the small Vertex you have now, and save your money until the right deal comes along or you can save up enough money. Imo, if you got a lesser quality but bigger skimmer you wouldn't be any further ahead in actual skimmer capability. Generally, the cheaper the skimmer the greater volume the manufacturer will claim it can function. The better brands will suggest a volume that is much closer to actual ability. However, personally I always practice and suggest to others that you buy a decent quality skimmer that is rated for 50-100% more volume than what your set up is. For instance, I have a EuroReef RS-180 on my 90 gallon reef. I wouldn't want anything less. I would suggest either a Vertex IN-250 or EuroReef RS-250 for your reef, although I'm not totally sure on dimensions for you. Of course something is always better than nothing. Do what you can do, and make the best of it. :)

Tetrarch 07-20-2010 02:36 AM

The Octopus Extreme 250 might be a good choice for your tank at a pretty reasonable price.

snow1 07-20-2010 07:17 AM

So the space I have to work with here is:
11.5" L
10.75" W
and anthing under 24" in height I can work with.

Problem is I don't think a skimmer for a 200g+ tank exists with that small of a base.:sad:
Does anyone have suggestions?

All the skimmers mentioned above are to long or wide...

Ron99 07-20-2010 07:37 AM

You might want to consider an external skimmer. Your in sump space is really small and I doubt you'll find one rated for 200G to fit in there.

Madreefer 07-20-2010 02:53 PM

The Bubbleking Mini 180 will fit and works awesome. Only rated for 180 but supposedly works better if pushed beyond it's rating. You should be able to pick a used one up for around $700. But they don't come around that often. Keep the one you have for now until you find a good deal.

ferret 07-20-2010 04:37 PM

The bubbleking skimmers are good but not for the mini models. Don't waste money on the mini to handle a system of 200 gal.

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