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Delphinus 06-29-2010 05:04 PM

Why it sucks to be a male (deepsea) anglerfish
So, one of the webcomics I like to read is The Oatmeal. I learned something from The Oatmeal a couple weeks ago when I read this:

(Caution - this comic is highly addictive, and tends to have very NSFW language. Don't click if you like things to be G-rated all the time.)

Anyhow, so, deep sea anglerfish have a very unusual mating cycle. The males are drawn to the females by scent (since it's hard to see down there), when they find them, they bite onto the female and stay there. Eventually they melt into the skin of the female and everything on the male eventually atrophies except for the male sex organs. A female might live her life with 6 or 7 different pairs of testes hanging off her skin.

For real. Check it:

Crazy stuff.

lastlight 06-29-2010 05:22 PM

Love it!!!

belzebuth 06-29-2010 05:28 PM

lol...this is great !

Wingin It 06-29-2010 05:55 PM

never mind bad to be male, it's great for would suck to be a female deepsea anglerfish!!!

fishoholic 06-29-2010 06:39 PM

:eek: WOW I have to say I didn't know that :surprise:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 06-29-2010 09:36 PM

Read this same thing in some fish books years ago but cool info to get out there anyways.

Yeah, I feel sorry for the female, carrying all those useless (except for sperm) males with her 24/7.


kevNnic 06-29-2010 10:31 PM

puts a new meaning into your "g/f having your balls in her hand!"

Borderjumper 06-29-2010 11:39 PM

In lieu of continually seeking the vast abyss for a female, it has evolved into a permanent parasitic mate. When a young, free-swimming male angler encounters a female, he latches onto her with his sharp teeth. Over time, the male physically fuses with the female, connecting to her skin and bloodstream and losing his eyes and all his internal organs except the testes.

for a minute I thought they were talking about my ex-husband.:twised:

Leah 06-29-2010 11:44 PM


Lance 06-29-2010 11:57 PM


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