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pelle31 06-28-2010 11:43 PM

iPhone or Blackberry....what are you using?
iphone what apps you using and what you like and dislike about it.

Blackeberry,may as well get some Peep's input on these as well.

The Grizz 06-28-2010 11:46 PM

I have a Crackberry Mike phone and it is a piece of junk. Got it just over a yr ago and have had 6 complete swap replacement's and in for 2 track ball's. I am getting rid of it and getting an Iphone as soon as Telus give me a good deal to swap. Have been with them for 22 yrs so they better come up with something great or I am pulling all my phone's from them and going to Bell.

cuz 06-28-2010 11:51 PM

ditched the bberry for an iphone, not to many apps i've tried out yet but the phone itself,imo, is far superior the bb.

Ron99 06-28-2010 11:52 PM

If you're willing to spend a bit more Apple is now selling factory unlocked iPhones direct in Canada. It will cost you a pretty penny but then you're not locked into a particular carrier or a 3 year contract or minimum service packages etc. I'm waiting to see what the full price on an unlocked iPhone 4 will be and trying to save up those pennies :)

The Grizz 06-28-2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 531036)
If you're willing to spend a bit more Apple is now selling factory unlocked iPhones direct in Canada. It will cost you a pretty penny but then you're not locked into a particular carrier or a 3 year contract or minimum service packages etc. I'm waiting to see what the full price on an unlocked iPhone 4 will be and trying to save up those pennies :)

Where did you find this info I would like to check it out? On the Apple website?

Bloodasp 06-29-2010 12:08 AM

Iphone hands down.
I did hear that the new iphone 4 will have an option of being leagally unlocked.

pelle31 06-29-2010 12:29 AM

I would stay as far away from Bell as you can......sorta been there done that type of thing.
If you do choose Bell make sure you have ALL the information that they are supposed to give you.
It will save you a ton of headaches down the road.

Not much love for the BB's eh? One of the guys at work has one and he loves it. its an older one
with the track ball but he just pops it out and cleans it every once in awhile. I've seen him drop it,
kick it across the floor and whatnot and it keeps on ticking.

Delphinus 06-29-2010 01:37 AM

I hate my BB 8230 ("Pearl Flip"). Piece of junk. Too long a shopping list of complaints but the basic gyst is it's buggy, and even when it's not having issues, it's cumbersome to use.

Get this: Although in my case the problem is an actual glitch, a common complaint is that the call log only shows missed calls, and not placed calls or received calls. The problem is that there is a setting, call log shows: "1) all calls 2) missed calls and 3) no calls." Somehow they magically get set on missed calls. Ok, whatever. But if you want your call log to show all calls, you have to select "NONE" because what they really mean is "no calls get redirected to your message log (and thus not your call log). OH YEAH, REAL INTUITIVE. Seriously, who writes software like that? .. In my case it's not a setting, it doesn't matter what it's set at, it never shows anything except missed calls. I've been looking into what it takes to fix it but I think it's coming down to "I need to bring this phone in", it's getting to the category of being beyond DIY to correct.

If you're OK with spending the coin on an unlocked phone, and not sure about an iPhone, look into google's Nexus One phone.

I might go iPhone if I can find an affordable way to upgrade into it from this current phone.

the marine apprentice 06-29-2010 01:43 AM

i went from my BB curve to my 32Gb 3gs iphone. i absolutly love this phone i can do pretty much anything with it. only thing thsat i dont like about the iphone is that the battery does go down pretty fast when using it.
other then that iphone all the way lol.

Pazil 06-29-2010 02:09 AM

I have the BB 9700 and am very happy with it.

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