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tgoeujon 06-19-2010 07:44 PM

anyone have a seagrass filefish?
just wondering if they just eat aptasia or if they would be useful against majanos as well or is there any other sugestion for a majano controlling reefsafe fish?

Delphinus 06-21-2010 04:03 AM

This fish seems to have half a dozen different common names. I can think of -
- <matted,mottled,seagrass,bristletail,sargassum> <filefish,leatherjacket>

.. all which refer to the species Acreichthys tomentosus.

My experience with this species (I've had two now, first one I lost to jumping).
1) I guess I'll start with that last point, they can be jumpers. I was surprised to find they could be jumpers. Although I guess not HUGELY suprised, any fish can jump but some you'd think would be more predisposed than others. Anyhow, you should have a tank covering (netting, canopy, fence, or whatever).
2) Both eventually ate aiptasia but both took their time. In fact, the one I have went now went several months before discovering a taste for aiptasia. Then all of a sudden one week they all disappeared. So yes, they do eat aiptasia, although not always is it immediate.
3) As with any fish that eats aiptasia, there is a risk they'll eat other things you may not wish them to. My first one was a fairly model citizen, but my second one has done some some damage to my Acan's and my torch coral. However other corals he's left alone altogether.

atc 06-21-2010 04:51 AM

I've had 2 , one was a jumper, the other has not eaten any aptasia that I've seen. I've had it about 1-2 months.

Chaloupa 06-21-2010 05:15 AM

I've had mine now for several months, possibly a ate all my Aiptasia, plus the Zoa colony I had.....but at least the tank is Aiptasia free!

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