galeas |
06-09-2010 12:12 AM |
90g Saltwater ($1200) and 55g Tank($200) For sale
Selling 90g set up including, wooden cabinet stand eheim 2217 filter, hang on the badck protein skimmer, heater, powerhead, degenbao light fixture including 2 250 metal halids very new, 2 T-5 54w light bulbs. also have food, water treatment and testing stuff, 1/4 full bucket of sea salt, other buckets, coral food, light timers, power bar, drip tube and water change tubing, shoulder length gloves.
livestock: 90lbs live rock, 30lbs live sand, Yellow tang, Niger Trigger, 3 Ocellaris clowns, one cleaner wrasse, one six spot sleeper goby, rose bubble tip anenmoe, one zoanthid frag, one hammer coral (2 heads), one xenia waving hand coarl frag, approx 4 hermit crabs, approx 3 mexican turbo snails.
also selling a 55g tank. for $200 extra, includes metal stand, 2 fluval 204 filters, lights, heater, new bubbler, ($200) worth of firestone and slate rock.
pictures available upon request.