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Scorpion 11-07-2003 08:25 AM

copperband butterfly...
i've heard that copperband butterflies will eat aptasia... but when i talked to the person at the LFS were i got one, he said that they'll eat aptaisa if you starve them a bit. so my question is, are they known to eat aptasia only... or do they eat it as a last resort? also, i usually feed my tank frozen brine and the older inhabitants love it (2 clowns, 1 damsel, 1 cleaner shrimp). whenever i was at the LFS looking at copperbands (this was before my purchase of one a couple days ago), i noticed that the store feed them seaweed. are butterflies vegetarians?

AJ_77 11-07-2003 06:00 PM

What is the Copperbanded eating in your tank now? If it gets used to eating the frozen brine shrimp (which I've been told is nutritionally like feeding potato chips) it won't have much incentive for going after aptasia.

My CBB didn't take to frozen food right away, but did clean out the aptasia. It then took some coaxing for it to eat mysis shrimp (nutritionally excellent).

It may not take starving it, but I would hold off the frozen brine and see what it does.

Scorpion 11-07-2003 11:19 PM

but i have other fish already in there. the CBB is not eating yet because i think it's still aclimating. we just added him about 3 days ago. my clowns, damsel, and shrimp all eat brine. so brine is not good for them? is mysis better? i thought brine was fine.

Scorpion 11-09-2003 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Scorpion
... so brine is not good for them? is mysis better? i thought brine was fine.

anyone? :)

Quinn 11-09-2003 06:05 PM

I tried to find a link for you but no such luck. However, apparently adult brine shrimp are 95% water or something to that effect. The only time brine shrimp have nutritional value is when they are larvae with yolk sacks.

LostMind 11-09-2003 06:51 PM

I have read the same thing. But I cant remember what book I read it in...

Michel 11-10-2003 02:41 AM

I can only tell you what has been told to me to te effet that brine were like popsicle so not much nutient where mysis was a lot more thorough as food !
So there you go !

AJ_77 11-10-2003 02:53 AM

This is a common theme at, where there are many FAQ's on feeding, from butterfly fishes to anemones. Mysis shrimp is mentioned quite often, if you search on it you'll find a ton of info.

A quote from the WWM FAQ on butterfly feeding:


<<You should try to get away from the brine shrimp and use frozen
mysis shrimp instead - brine shrimp, even when soaked and enhanced
are still nutritionally hollow - much like potato chips. Mysis are
much better.>>
The page is here:

Hope that helps.

EmilyB 11-10-2003 04:28 AM


Scorpion 11-11-2003 09:59 PM

it's been about a week now since we got the copperband butterfly and i've never seen him eat any frozen brine that i feed the tank (i feed once every 2 days, about 1/3 cube), nor have i ever seen him pick at any aptasia. once in a while he pick at the rocks, but i don't see him eat anything. do copperbands eat algae, or any other things on the rock?

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