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greg 10-26-2003 06:36 PM

RXP for ich??
I have a fish only with live rock. I have a flame angel.french angel,clowns,tangs and a bird wrasse. I have copper but am afraid to use it because of the angel(flame). I will use aa my last resort! I was told that RXP would work to take ICH away. Has anyone tried this product? What was your outcome? :confused:

monza 10-26-2003 07:18 PM

Don't know what RXP is or aa but copper will also kill your live rock.
I suggest you go to REEFS.ORG

Do a search on ICH get ready to read all day.....

The end result you need a quarantine tank. In the mean time I would soak your food in garlic gloves and feed your fish with that.

Good Luck ICH SUCKS!


greg 10-26-2003 07:25 PM

I give the fish garlic soaked nori seawwed dailyand vitamins. I have a quaranteen tank but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to go that route.

monza 10-26-2003 07:37 PM

Yea a quarantine tank is a hassle. Do the read on, all my fish now go into a Q tank. I think it has to be done if you want success in the long run. It also makes you really think about that next fish purchase. Do I really need that fish?

How many, and what fish in your tank have visable signs of ICH, do you know where it came from, are they under stress? Do you have good water paramaters?


(stressing out about my spelling and coma placement, I know Bob's going to read this post<g>)

Aquattro 10-26-2003 08:09 PM

If I recall, you need a kickass skimmer with that RXP stuff. You dose it and then skim the ell out of the tank. Garlic worked fine for me when I had ich (meaning when my fish had ich) :razz:

Quinn 10-26-2003 08:22 PM

I've been thinking about the whole parasite/disease thing lately, it seems to me that no matter how vigilant with the quarantining you are, you cannot avoid it - if you use live rock, I think you would inevitably end up with some of these nuissance bugs in your tank. I think the quarantine tank does help, both at the time of purchase of the fish, and when it has an outbreak later, but I wonder if you can really ever rid your tank of problem parasites. I suppose the answer is simply maintaning a stress-free environment where your fish have the best chance of having a strong immune system.

greg 10-26-2003 08:25 PM

Thanx for getting back. I have a prism skimmer from when I had my reef set up. I am always having to check to make sure it going 110%.

Aquattro 10-26-2003 08:31 PM

Greg, depending on tank size, the prizm might not be adequate for medication removal. I think the package has some mention of skimmers; maybe read that first.

monza 10-26-2003 09:41 PM


I totally agree I think the flaw in quarantine would be... do you qaurantine everything you get rock, corals... should ask that one on see what the fish brains think or say to that. The experts seem to think yes you can rid your tank of ich. I don't know dick about those other parasite/diseases and knock on wood hopefully I'll never have to.


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