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Bodhi 10-26-2003 07:24 AM

Hello Im new, this is my tank 1 month
Well my tank has been up for a month now and i love it. The only problem I have found with this hobby is I am allready starting to plan another tank lol. I use RO/DI water and my tank cycled in about 8 days

powersweep 212
powerhead 402
17 lbs live rock
40 lbs araganite live sand (carib sea oolite)
50 watt heater
96 watt powerquad w/ 50/50 bulb

1 blue green chromis (died today in a powerhead accident, I feel terrible)
1 blue leg hermit
1 red scarlet hermit
5 zebra/left handed hermits
5 cerith snails
2 astreas
1 bumble bee
1 nassarius
1 cowrie

well I cant figure out how to post pics so use your imagination I think it looks pretty cool though :cool: [/img]

Aquattro 10-26-2003 07:27 AM

Bodhi, welcome to Canreef!!

Bob I 10-26-2003 03:46 PM

Re: Hello Im new, this is my tank 1 month

Originally Posted by Bodhi
Well my tank has been up for a month now and i love it. The only problem I have found with this hobby is I am allready starting to plan another tank lol. I use RO/DI water and my tank cycled in about 8 days

powersweep 212
powerhead 402
17 lbs live rock
40 lbs araganite live sand (carib sea oolite)
50 watt heater
96 watt powerquad w/ 50/50 bulb

1 blue green chromis (died today in a powerhead accident, I feel terrible)
1 blue leg hermit
1 red scarlet hermit
5 zebra/left handed hermits
5 cerith snails
2 astreas
1 bumble bee
1 nassarius
1 cowrie

well I cant figure out how to post pics so use your imagination I think it looks pretty cool though :cool: [/img]

A couple of questions please.
#1 - Is it a standard 15 gallon tank ie. 24"x12"x12"?
#2 - Who sells that powerquad, and do you have more info on it?

It sounds like you have plenty of circulation, and light for most anything to do well.
As far as posting pictures. All you need to do is upload the pics to your server (ISP), the use the IMG tags on the board to post them.

My own nano is a atandard 15. I use a Coralife Aqualight with a 65W 50/50 bulb. (I hate that bulb BTW) There is a CPR 12" refugium on the back. It houses the sandbed and Caulerpa. I use it mainly for my zoanthid collection, and one large Coral BANDIT shrimp. I will post some pictures of this setup a little later.

Bodhi 10-26-2003 08:22 PM

Thanks brad :biggrin:
Bob my tank is actualy a 15 gal tall 20"x18"x10"
The light is great only problem is it only has one on/off switch so you cant do the dawn dusk thing w/actinics but other than that I love it. I dont know how to upload picsto my ISP but I did post pics on nano-reef here is the link

and oh yeah
S/G 1.024
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrite >5
temp 78-80f
Ph 8.4
alk 12
need to get more kits on pay day (wednsday)
what should I get? calcium, and....?

Bodhi 10-26-2003 08:23 PM

oops king ed pet centre and aquariums has the powerquad and its $149.00

deacon hemp 10-26-2003 08:45 PM

whats up bohdi,i seen your tank on nano-reef it looks nice,where did you buy your live rock from? king ed?and did you have a cycle?.....anyway when you start to buy corals im down fer a trade? Deacon

Bodhi 10-26-2003 08:54 PM

Thanks decon and yes I bought most of my live rock @ king ed except for two small pieces I got from big als, including the on with the featherdusters it was like 8 bux. When I get some corals I would like to trade for sure. Rite now Im looking for anyone with small frags for sale as it is a small tank and Im on dissability so I dont have much to spend. Last month I spent my whole check on this hobby and had to go to the food bank lol. wont have to do that again now that I have my initial set up.

Aquattro 10-26-2003 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bodhi
Last month I spent my whole check on this hobby and had to go to the food bank lol.

I'm gonna print this for my wife next time she thinks I spent too much!! LOL :razz:

Bodhi 10-27-2003 01:44 AM

Im starting to have a bit of a cynobacteria outbreak and Im looking for any input/help. I took the rock peices out and in my salt mix/water change tank I scrubed it off with a tooth brush, I tried to suck as much off of the sand as possible, and Im reducing the lights to 9hrs a day. Im not sure what my phosphates are cause I cant afford the test kit untill wednsday.All food is being consumed and amm,trite,trate,s/g,temp all good? Any ideas?

Bob I 10-27-2003 02:15 AM

I am sure there are hundreds of threads on Cyanobacter. Over the years I have seen many posts from people who claim to know the reason. Yet most new tanks still get it. I myself have not seen it for over a year, but if I were to make major changes I am sure it would return. In the past when it showed up I used Chemiclean by Boyd enterprises. It gets rid of it in 24 to 48 hours with no deleterious effects. That is all I can offer. I am sure there will be disagreements, but all I can say it works. :rolleyes:

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