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blueyota 04-11-2010 01:26 AM

getting a PB tang to eat flake
I have been trying to get my powder blue to eat flake and pellets for a few weeks now and he wont look at it ....I work 12 hrs a day now and i am driving back and forth from Canmore to Calgary witch is an hour drive each way I was wondering if any one has any tips on how to get him to eat dry food so i can use an auto feeder

kien 04-11-2010 02:44 AM

what has your approach been ?

What has worked for me (with just about any fish) is to mix in flakes with what they do like to eat (mysis, brine, whatever). When it is a feeding frenzy with all other fish they will just go after their favourite foods at first, but what I notice is after a while they will realize that they have to eat fast. Then they will start to sample just about everything in the water column and eventually learn to like the other stuff too. It eventually comes to a point where anything I dump in the tank is food. Even rubber bands :redface:

blueyota 04-11-2010 05:41 AM

Thanks for the reply Kien thats kinda what i have been doing but i will just keep at it

Keri 04-11-2010 05:46 AM

He will get it eventually, you can try a different type of flake as well - I've had fish who prefer one brand over another.

Doug 04-11-2010 01:30 PM

The best flake for them is a good quality spirolina flake. Never sen a tang refuse them. I used OSI before and now Ocean Nutrition Formula 2. Of course I no longer have tangs but still feed the spirolina to the other fish.

BlueWorldAquatic 04-11-2010 01:45 PM

Brand of flake will definately make a difference.

My tangs like ON formula 2, and hate the rest.

Ken - BWA

naesco 04-14-2010 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by blueyota (Post 509653)
I have been trying to get my powder blue to eat flake and pellets for a few weeks now and he wont look at it ....I work 12 hrs a day now and i am driving back and forth from Canmore to Calgary witch is an hour drive each way I was wondering if any one has any tips on how to get him to eat dry food so i can use an auto feeder

They are algae eaters so the only flake food for them is spirulina. You can buy the spirulina disks or flake but make sure spirulina is the first ingredient on the label.
Dried unflavoured nori is also good . Soak it in garlic extract, an appetite enhancer, and selcon for vitamins.

Powder blue tangs are difficult to keep. They most often get sick for no apparent reason and die ofter taking several other fish in the tank with them.

christyf5 04-15-2010 01:26 AM

I started mine off with cyclopeeze flake. Nobody can miss that radioactive orange floating around in the tank (and it was the only flake my bangaii cardinal would recognise as food :razz:). Eventually he ate whatever I put in the tank.

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