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irene060606 04-08-2010 07:16 PM

LF protein skimmer
I have had my 12 g Nano cube for about 6 months....and do not have a protein skimmer. Yesterday i noticed a film on top of the water. Im new to this..its a protein skimmer i need right? Would like to buy a smaller one couse my tank is small, and cheap - will pick up anytime

mike31154 04-08-2010 07:58 PM

For a tank that size you could probably DIY a small air driven skimmer without too much trouble. Small powerhead, small air pump, limewood air diffuser and a few bits of anything plastic that's the shape of a cylinder.

fishoholic 04-08-2010 09:16 PM

How often do you do water changes? Weekly water changes should be enough to keep the tank clean without the need of a skimmer. To get the flim on the top of water gone, try pointing a powerhead (I'd use a koralia nano powerhead for that size tank) towards the top of the water. The water movement from the powerhead should be enough to get rid of the film.

ElGuappo 04-08-2010 09:20 PM

i have a eshopps psk 75 hob skimmer i am thinking of getting rid of. screen on inlet needs to be replaced

$60 cost me nearly 200

earliris 04-09-2010 02:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I too have a 12g nano and use the skimmer that was provided with the tank (small piece of acrylic with teeth). The water pressure holds it in place in front of the overflow. This allows water to drip down before entering the filtration at the back. I find it works great, I've never had any issues with it except sometimes when i turn the pump off to feed it flows away...:biggrin:

BlueWorldAquatic 04-09-2010 02:46 AM

Honestly, for my 10 gallon nano with a top film. I just use the Tomtom or aquaclear surface skimmer addon that works with a small filter. Works wonders.

The eshopps psk-75 would be way too much for the nano in my opinion as we sell those off the shelves as soon as I get them in.

Consider the Taam Rio Nano Skimmer, they work decent too.

Unless you want something a bit better, like a Tunze 9002 DOC skimmer.

Ken - BWA

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