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BlueWorldAquatic 04-07-2010 03:15 AM

More Seahorses.....
Thanks to a helpful lead from Ray, I am in the process of bringing other captive bred seahorses breeds that haven't been readliy avaliable in Canada.

The species that we are looking at are the follows:

H.erectus Browns and Blacks
H.erectus Colors
H.zosterae (Dwarf seahorse)

also some hybrids also.

Ken - BWA

nnanu 04-09-2010 10:55 PM

I'm in for some of those too!!! But I bet you already knew that.

BlueWorldAquatic 04-13-2010 02:19 PM


I know you are always interested in them.

Depending on the interest, will depend how many i bring in.

I have the permits already in the works.

Ken - BWA

zenafish 04-13-2010 04:01 PM

have you gotten an estimate timeframe for CITES? I need to know how much time I have to save up :)

BlueWorldAquatic 04-13-2010 04:48 PM

1-2 months.

But after I get them in they will be housed in my store as long as I have enough interest, I'll bring in a larger order.

And keep some costs down.


zenafish 04-13-2010 04:54 PM

thx...this is exciting!

Any idea on price range? And shipping to Ontario? I might talk to Ray to see if I can join shipping with him...

BlueWorldAquatic 04-13-2010 09:36 PM

I just noticed there was a shortage of seahorses in canada cue to regulations.

And since we want to avoid wild caught, there is a major hole in the system that needs to be filled.

This order will be larger than normal, to keep costs down.

If we are lucky, some seahorse lovers can start a Canadian breeding program for all Canadians.

I will post picks as soon as I get a chance.

Ken - BWA

BlueWorldAquatic 09-14-2010 02:49 AM

Just a quick update on this issue.

We have our Cities for the seahorses, unfortunately the supplier doesn't have them grown out enough for a shipment as of yet.

In the next month or so we will be bringing in our order of

H.erectus Browns and Blacks
H.erectus Colors
H.zosterae (Dwarf seahorse)
And also H.ingens

lockrookie 09-14-2010 03:15 AM

i wish i had my new tank up and running but it wont be we tuntill dec ish or fishworthy till late jan early feb..

por2stylz 10-14-2010 03:53 AM

seahorse breeding
i d love to start a network of seahorse breeders toronto here

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