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Lance 03-26-2010 01:57 AM

Love/Hate Relationships with your livestock
I'm sure we all have some.
For me it's my Lunare Wrasse and my BTA. The wrasse has incredibly striking colouration, can swim like a torpedo and is quite intelligent; but as he's maturing he's becoming a real PITA. When I feed the tank he soaks me half the time and sprays water all over the lights. He is also becoming more and more aggressive with some of the other fishes.
As for the BTA: firstly, it was supposed to be a GBTA but is a boring brown; secondly, it turned my two sweet little Fire Clowns into territorial SOB's; and the nem is growing so damn fast I have to keep moving corals out of its way.

This pic is 4 or 5 months old and he is much bigger now. (about 7")

This is also an older pic. The nem is now about 14" across.

Marlin65 03-26-2010 02:07 AM

Tell me about it I have just taken my Coris Wrasse out of my tank I love this fish but it keeps flipping my corals over. Its in QT now but It pains me to get rid of it as it is such a cool fish.:sad:

Lance 03-26-2010 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Marlin65 (Post 505209)
Tell me about it I have just taken my Coris Wrasse out of my tank I love this fish but it keeps flipping my corals over. Its in QT now but It pains me to get rid of it as it is such a cool fish.:sad:

Hehe The Lunare does the same thing, corals and small rocks are toys to him. :biggrin:

lorenz0 03-26-2010 03:01 AM

seems like for me, the more i learn whats out there for sps, the more i want it. i am trying to stop looking at picture now

globaldesigns 03-26-2010 03:31 AM

For me it is my maroon clown.

Nice looking fish, but is hosting to three different things: frogspawn, hammer coral and a open brain. Fish is dumb as dirt and keeps cleaning the araganite around each piece. He uses his tail to sweep and create a big sand storm and also then takes mouth fulls of sand and will relocate it elsewhere.

It is kinda neat to watch, but a pain as the sand storms are not nice and he actually covers other corals with his mouth moving of sand.

I have lost some coral because of him and have to be watchful where I place things now.

Frenchie2 03-27-2010 01:42 AM

Love/hate relationship
I hear you "Global Design" - I have a Maroon too and does exactly the same darn thing as yours... As much as I hate what he's doing, I can't get rid of him as it was my very first saltwater fish that I got 5 yrs ago and I actually got attached to it... Yeap, "Love/Hate" relationship...

sitandwatch 03-27-2010 01:46 AM

I have a huge bully in a red lip blenny he chases everything around and just killed my pajama cardinal.

But my kids like him because he has a personality, I hope he calms down in the new tank

Madreefer 03-27-2010 03:29 PM

For me it's a long tentacle anemone. Had it for 9 years and it's now the size of a medium pizza. Takes up way too much room. I'm waiting for my pair of breeding clown fish that it hosts to live out their lives. Once they are gone so is the anemone.

blueyota 03-27-2010 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by sitandwatch (Post 505473)
I have a huge bully in a red lip blenny he chases everything around and just killed my pajama cardinal.

But my kids like him because he has a personality, I hope he calms down in the new tank

I hear ya ...My red lip is a little jerk he leaves big mouth marks all over my fox face ...but I added a powder blue a few months ago and now the PB will chase the blenny almost out of the tank now so things are changing for the blenny:biggrin::biggrin:

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