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ScubaSteve 03-25-2010 04:19 AM

Tank Size/Shape Opinion needed
So it looks like I'm moving to a new place in a month and this has me thinking I might create a new tank rather than sticking with the ol' 20G. Now, the amount for room I actually have to work with still needs to be worked out but I want to get everyone's opinion on some tank sizes and shapes that can work with equipment I have.

I because I am a poor grad student I have to rent apartments and so I'm usually limited to a maximum size of about 30 gallons; the tank I am looking to change is 20G and it's just... too small.

I have always been a fan of the shallow square tanks (not a cube). I think they're cool because you have some depth (width-wise) to work with and do some nice 'scaping and you can look down into them from above. I am curious though if my light will work with this shape of a tank. Right now I have a 24" aqualight pro 150W with 2-65W actinics. Do you think the light will be alright over a square shape or is the light distribution going to suck?

Also, is there anyone out there using shallow square tanks as a DT? How do you feel about them?

Bloodasp 03-25-2010 06:05 AM

mine's 30X30X18 and I'm liking it. if you want a 30ish gal tank you can go 24X24X12. Lighting doesn't seem to be an issue to me.

bauder1986 03-25-2010 06:13 AM

hmmm cube is totally for you, i have a shallow cube and i LOVE it. you can go with 24x 24 x 12 and you light will do the trick. Oh thats a 29 gallon tank....
you know what here is a cool formula you can play with for figuring out tank size and dimensions

L x W x H / 231.0087 = volume in gallons.

Bloodasp 03-25-2010 06:22 AM


bvlester 03-25-2010 06:57 AM

you could go with a complete cube and end up with about a 59.8g tank 24x24x24 your light would work. That is a 150w MH with 2-65W actinics yuor would be prity much max for light if you kept some of the sps and a few other things. It would be cool looking tank easy to make your self have glass cut, drilled and you put it together. 1/4" min 3/8" perferd for a tank this size unless tempered but that would cost more.


Glennrf38 03-25-2010 12:07 PM

Mine is 27 X 24 X 18 with that exact same light and I have had no problems with the light quantity/quality

e46er 03-25-2010 11:43 PM

you could get the standard 33 G tank 36x12x18 LWH

i like the size of the 40G breeder tank 36x16x18 LWH

Albertan22 03-26-2010 12:22 AM

+1 on the 40g breeder. I'm using one as a sump, but I think it would make a pretty sweet small/mid-size tank. It probably wouldn't work with your existing lighting though so may not be in the books if you're really serious about the budget.

ScubaSteve 03-26-2010 10:25 PM

Thanks for the input! Ya, I've be thinking about doing a 24"x18"x16" or a 24"x24"x12" and making a nice stand to go with (likely with a refugium/sump underneath) with a built in hanger for the light so I don't have to use thse stupid legs all the time. I like the extra depth and having a side as big as the front viewing panel. I'm going to have to see what kind of room I have to work with before I can say for certain what I'll be doing.

I'm going to do some Solidworks drawings to get a feel for the look and I'll show everyone for a vote.

Yes, unfortunately I have to work with a budget. As a grad student you don't get much to live on and having expensive hobbies such as this is tough to manage (I'll gladly take parts donations!:mrgreen:). So, this might be the worlds greatest awesome-tank-on-a-budget build.

earliris 03-26-2010 11:19 PM

I'm getting a tank built as we speak.. and should be done next week. Dimensions are 36 x 22 x 16 with internal overflow. Should be sweet!

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