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walloutlet 03-22-2010 01:38 AM

Attaching Ricordea
I know this probably has been asked a million times, but how in God's green Earth do you go about making a Ricordea stay put. I have one at the bottom of my tank in a spot I would consider low flow. I can not make it stay, using a rubber band is not an option as the rock can't come out.

I have it trapped in a net against the rock because I am tired of tearing my rock apart looking for it and having to spend half my time battling with my Perc's (they are very defensive of their cave, VERY DEFENSIVE!)

Any suggestions on keeping this Ricordea in one spot. Do they have a base that encrusts to things or is it more like an anenome where it will roam until it finds the right spot? You know burried way under a rock so no light can reach it.

Any help would be great. Thanks!

dreef 03-22-2010 02:54 AM

I use the same method for all shrooms.I cut the bottom off a 500ml pop bottle,riddle the sides full of small holes with a nail.Put some crushed coral or very small rubble,add shroom and cover with bridal veil and an elastic.I pick it up a few times a week and shake lightly to get rid of detrius and in a few weeks.It will be attached to a small rock or two,perfect for mounting where you want.

hillbillyreefer 03-22-2010 03:06 AM

What dreef said.

The Grizz 03-22-2010 03:31 AM

I used a glue called Corafix just a little dap on the bottom does the trick. Be very careful not to get any on the skin.

edikpok 03-22-2010 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by dreef (Post 504040)
I cover with bridal veil a.

I like your method! But I like the recycling of the bridal veil the most :)

dreef 03-22-2010 04:35 AM

Naah it's just what that fine mesh material is called :D find it for cheap at a sewing store.

ner'T' 03-22-2010 04:44 AM

Yup, just pin it down for a couple days. I use the mesh that onions or oranges come in.

walloutlet 03-22-2010 03:17 PM

Thanks DReef, that's an excellent idea. I now have something to do tonight after work.

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