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edikpok 03-19-2010 05:56 AM

Plz help : black clownfish w/ a whitish spot (not ich)
My black female clownfish has this white spot on her side. It is quite big and looks like a scrape. Just looks whitish. She's had it for about 4 days and it is not getting worse (nor does it get better) . She looks a bit lazier than usual but eats like a monster.

It does not look like there is an infection / bloody spots within this white spot. Basically looks like the scales turned white.....

Any ideas?

ottoman 03-19-2010 06:02 AM

My black clownfish has very similar, it turns out like a cotton puff on his side after a couple weeks. Where did you get it? I bought a couple cleaner shrimp trying to help him. He is still eating and swiming around though.

edikpok 03-19-2010 06:30 AM

bought mine during boxing week at JL.... however, I do not have any puff there,,,, just looks like white scales.... maybe she was de-tanning?

PS - i thought that cotton puff was fungus?

ottoman 03-19-2010 06:54 AM

I think so too. But I cannot catch him to QT or treatment. That's why I got a couple shrimp trying to help him. Not sure if that will work.

bvlester 03-19-2010 05:00 PM

garlic and vitamins in food, you can also use some melifix in the water will not hurt any thing if it is a laceration then this will help it heal. I have heard melifix will also help with ICK never tried it for that but I can ates to the fact it helps with lacerations.


walloutlet 03-19-2010 06:30 PM

Mine had these white bumps or growths or something on them after a couple days of picking them up. Its kinda tough to see but its the round white dot on its side.

They are in QT in this picture cause I was worried it was ich but it turns out it was something completely different. I would have to lookup what it was called and get back here but basically the only thing that made it go away was lots of water changes. I was told it wasn't life threatening and that it would go away after a while, which it did.

walloutlet 03-19-2010 06:33 PM

Ok that was easier than I thought to find what I was told earlier.

Quote from Myka (whom always seems to know something about everything, very smart gal)

"That is not ich, that is Lymphocystis virus. Do a Google on it. It's not treatable, but isn't very detrimental, it tends to go away on it's own, but can take several months. It's good to keep them in QT though because when the virus falls off it can move to another host. While it's on the fish though it is not contagious. It's common on clowns and particularly yellow tangs for some reason. You should not be treating them with any medication for this."

Hope this helps.

bvlester 03-19-2010 07:21 PM

I know a guy in Vernon BC that has a dansel with one of these Lymphocystis tumers on its tail and is does not seem to bother it any.
+1 to Myka is very good at what she knows and helps many people.


ottoman 03-19-2010 07:46 PM

Thank you, people. Good information.

edikpok 03-26-2010 09:12 PM

Thanks for the info everyone.... in my case, I performed several water changes and the witish area disappeared... don't know what it was but glad it is gone!

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