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Kryptic4L 03-19-2010 05:06 AM

reef's = same requirements as pot ?
Why is it everytime I go searching for a diy reef project or some technical information on chemistry or even lighting etc.. I come across numerous cannibus growing website's... Seriously are the requirement's and perameter's identical...

I was just looking up diy reverse osmosis.... and guess what I stumble across...... more pot growing sites.....

Bloodasp 03-19-2010 05:13 AM

Lol they're both addictive. Yeah Everything I have been seeing from using RO/DI to metal halide lighting and all those diy stuff are used by pot growers.

whatcaneyedo 03-19-2010 05:50 AM

I get a kick out of Progressive Reef for that reason. There are two businesses in the same store front. Progressive Growth which sells hydroponics supplies and Progressive Reef which does saltwater. Its fantastic synergy.

Chase31 03-19-2010 05:54 AM

well i figured a timer out on one of those reffer or pot sites, so i was okay with it

we talking reefers? or reefers or reffer? lol

Crytone 03-19-2010 06:22 AM

Maybe we're onto something here! With all these timers and light setups we use on our tanks, we can easily grow a few small plants on the side to supplement buying new SW stuff!

Bloodasp 03-19-2010 06:26 AM

And if cops raid your place show them your reef tanks and tell them it's the reason your electric bills are over $1000 a month. Hopefully they are not reefers too.

Funky_Fish14 03-19-2010 06:31 AM

It actually really brings to light how many people grow marijuana or indulge it! its a crazy number!

lockrookie 03-19-2010 06:41 AM

yesterday i did a search for rabbit cages and in the middel of the picture list was some vibration device with rabbit ears,, this is why you put on parental controles on your kids pc's

BlueAbyss 03-19-2010 07:09 AM

Hmm. I'm surprised that no one picked up on this sooner (or commented). Maybe it takes someone who is an avid indoor gardener and 'reefer' to see the similarities.

I have a pretty extensive collection of indoor plants and have been researching the possibility of a light garden, and saw the similarities right away. The only difference between metal halide for plants (and for weed for that matter) and that for coral (or the higher K lighting, 10K, 14K, etc. sold for marine tanks) is the bulb. For effective flowering and fruiting, plants need a fair amount of the red spectrum that is lacking in higher K bulbs (part of the reason those bulbs generally rate lower in PAR), which is why AgroSun bulbs have become popular for indoor growers who grow flowering / fruiting plants... I'm off topic here. The fact is that much of the equipment is interchangeable, since you are growing photosynthetic (well, mostly in the case of corals) organisms.

For the record, I'm betting that I can build an LED rig that will grow flowering plants, as well as coral, equally well.

kien 03-19-2010 07:43 AM

It doesn't help that my house glows a brilliant blue. I have to keep my front window open so that people can clearly see that I'm growing corals and not something else :lol:

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