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Gooly001 03-16-2010 08:50 AM

Okay, here we go - Another round of AWESOME!
I know it's been a long time coming, but thanks to everyone for all their patience!

Let's get started with some SPS :D:D:D:D:D

OC’s Appleberry Monti - $45

We are proud to finally bring this absolutely fabulous Montipora to our valued Canadian clients! Deep blue/purple polyps set amongst some of the most dramatically textured corallites you’re going to find on any coral. Hardy to boot!

This is definitely a big deal for the serious collector. That means you! Very limited quantities – I think I was only able to make between three to five frags. Next batch won’t be for a while since; first lot is a prerelease.

Denis’ Green Confusa - $35

This thing is wild! Check out the bad boy Farmer Denis has been growing out in his tank:

Totally wild! We have branching, plating, encrusting, bouldering – every growth pattern you can think of on this baby! Lime green with cinnamon polyps means we have some mad color contrast, just to make a sweet coral even sweeter!

Get ‘em cause they’re hot everyone, you won’t be sorry!

Fooser’s Forest Fire Samarensis - $35

Not your Grandma’s digitata! Forest Fire sports a Moss Green base with large, almost bloated Metallic Orange polyps.

While not an OC picture, I wanted to showcase the unique growth forms you can expect from this hardy and prolific coral:

Keith’s Rainbow Monti - $45

Mad props to Farmer Keith for bringing this beauty to the board!

Dream no more friends, Rainbow Monti’s are here and they’re looking hotter than ever – don’t wait on this one, quantities are very limited. And for those of you who need a little extra eye candy, well, who am I to say no :D

OC’s Flower Petal Monti - $50 BEGINNER FRIENDLY SPS ALERT!!!!

The first time I laid eyes on this cap, it was pretty much love at first sight. You may find yourself in much the same predicament once you have this baby in your tank and sprouting its tantalizing blue polyps amidst the moss green plating. Simply stunning!

*Note – Like most cap-types, this coral grows FAST! Images seen above were taken a week after these fresh cuts were mounted. As you can easily see, it is already encrusting with as much vigour as one would expect from a lineaged cap.

OC’s Orange Setosa - $50

You wanted it, we listened. This be the sickness right here :D

I have a SUPER LIMITED amount of these stunning Highlighter Orange beauties and will not be offering another batch for a long time coming. If you have been waiting for this coral, get a hold of me RIGHT NOW!

Gooly001 03-16-2010 08:52 AM

Denis’ Marshall Islands Tricolor - $30

We have a reputation of bringing to you the only the best of the best and this prize is no exception. Easily one of the best looking Tricolors I have ever had the pleasure of seeing in person. Take a look at the original colony growing in Farmer Denis’ beautiful reef:

This is the real deal people! Lime green base, Iceberg Blue branches and Light Purple axials and growth tips, the pictures don’t even begin to do this thing justice!

Keith’s Lime in the Sky - $35

Brilliant! That’s one way to describe this positively ELECTRIC future addition to your tank. Another would be “downright drool worthy”. No matter how you look at it, Keith’s Lime in the Sky is a sure-fire winner. Add with caution, it may make some of your showpiece corals look dull. You have been warned...

OC’s 30k Leagues Lokani - $40

Deepwater’s have always been a focal point of my Acro-mania and this is the coral that sits right at the forefront of those fancies! Here is a stunner that many consider to be peerless in a class that is choked tight with unique and elegant corals. Don’t miss out on this one!

OC’s Green Goblin Tabler - $30

Neon Green, Hardy, Fast Growing, Tabling Acro – Need I say more?

OC’s Oregon Tort - $45

Iconic and rightfully so, the Oregon Tort is ubiquitously recognized the key standard in blue/purple Acros and it’s easy to see why! Again, I only have a small amount of these to offer right now, so hop on these RIGHT NOW! You won’t get a second chance for a long time.

OC’s Green Tricolor - $40

Latest run of this OC Flagship Classic! I cannot stress enough how magnificent this particular strain is once grown in. Get yours now!

Gooly001 03-16-2010 08:55 AM

Denis’ Prime Purple Stylo - $35

Frags from this most fabulous colony of the best Fuchsia Stylo you’re going to see! I am hard pressed to think of a better eye catcher!

OC’s Bird of Paradise - $30

OC’s Purple Polyped Birdsnest - $30

OC’s Mellow Yellow Birdsnest

Gooly001 03-16-2010 08:56 AM

I will have many more corals posted up shortly!

Stay tuned for some Zoos, LPS and other goodies :D

Mega 03-16-2010 09:22 AM

man, I couldn't go to sleep after seeing all these pic... :jaw:

banditpowdercoat 03-16-2010 01:55 PM

Oh I'm staying tuned allright :D

burtonboy 03-16-2010 02:40 PM

Great looking corals! I cant wait to come see u guys, hope u have lots of corals when i go. cant wait till the end of April to bad i cant bring anything home since im driving back to Winnipeg:sad:

Ill be looking forward for more pics!


ksalt 03-16-2010 03:04 PM

Super selection! WOOT!

shrimpchips 03-16-2010 05:21 PM

Sweet frags yet again Paul!

Borderjumper 03-16-2010 06:07 PM

Are these going to be available on your website?

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